Nov 18, 2011 15:55

I am tired, and I am really hoping that I am not coming down with something. One of my staff is out sick today with a fever, and someone in the next office has also been sick this week. I hope my headache is due to the weather changing and that the other icky feelings will go away with a good night's sleep - although since there is someone coming to look at the mess under the house at 8 am tomorrow, I may not get as much sleep as I would like.

Have finally finished editing and submitted the last fest fic for now - Yuletide hasn't sent assignments yet, and I'm still thinking about

I even managed to also polish up and post two
quill_it ficlets, the first in about a month. Both are general in rating:

  • Together [Harry/Hermione]: Hermione wonders if Ron saw something she didn't. Here at IJ.
  • Slow Heat [Harry/Severus]: Severus repressed his yearnings for a very long time. Here at IJ.

headache, health, writing fic hp

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