Nov 06, 2011 16:59
Our upstairs room - which is my study, sewing area, and storage for F/SF and kidlit, plus most of my non-fic, and secondary guest sleeping space (air mattresses) - is a weird shape, having originally been an attic with one quasi-dormer: a rectangle with three different-sized and -shaped extra spaces coming off three of the sides. Anyhow. I have just finished taping one of those three outgrowths (plus a bit, because of the way the main section runs into that piece). I am now very sweaty. Who'd'a'thunk that just taping, in a room that's only maybe 74 degrees, would make me drip sweat? (Well, yeah. I am a very sweaty person in general, to my chagrin. But this still seems ridiculous.)
So now I need to check over this area for nailholes, etc., spackle if needed, wash the walls, and lay down the plastic sheeting. Then it's ready to paint... FINALLY. Then move on to the next section. I'm not going to paint trim; there's quarter-round in just one of the three offshoot areas, nowhere else, so it's all going to be the same green. That means it's just the two windows and the two doorways that get white trim paint. Trying to decide whether to paint those as I do each section, or wait till all the walls are finished and then do them all at once. I am inclined towards as-I-go, for motivational purposes...