*tick tick tick*

Nov 23, 2010 12:29

I have managed to do pretty much everything I planned to do today at work. I have a draft of the schedule for the intersession weeks. I've poked at the training materials for the two weeks of extended opening hours and can't do more there w/o consulting my boss, who's out until next Monday. I've dealt with several emails and phone calls and so on. So now I'm just kind of hanging out for the next half hour to see if anything else pops up, then I'm out of here until Monday myself.

Have pondered my Yuletide assignment and come up with a possibility. *nods* This will involve some reviewing of canon, but not too terribly much. I should be able to take the relevant materials with me over the holiday.

Speaking of which, I still today must go home, run a couple of loads of laundry, make cranberry-nut bread (guest gift for my dad), make dinner (sausages, baked potatoes, spinach, and maybe cauliflower; am also making a crockpot chicken, not for tonight but to have in the fridge ready for when we come home Sunday, and cooking the chard which won't last well uncooked till then), possibly clean the bathrooms, and pack. Also walk/play with Juno, who will be mostly on her own for the duration; one of our neighbors will be feeding her and so forth, but she's going to have a dull time of it. Still, better that than the kennel, or having to travel two full days in the car and get to stay alone in a hotel room most of the time for three more. [Made fruit-nut bars, too, to take in the car.]

Forgot yesterday to say that I have finished Heart of the Matter, huzzah! It ended up at just about 86K words total, having taken almost 18 months to write. Not my best record, there. Oh well. It's finished and overall I'm pleased with it. Link to the final chapter:

  • Heart of the Matter [Kirk/McCoy, adult]: Kirk and McCoy finally get a chance to talk out what's been going on. Here at IJ.

travel, to-do lists, cc job, writing fic st, yuletide

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