Jun 29, 2010 21:10

I do love me some crockpot chicken. It is just the yummiest stuff, with its gravy and rice. Took about 10 minutes to get it going this morning, and then about 25 minutes tonight to make rice, cook peas, slice strawberries, make gravy, and dish up. Only downside, since it was cooking for about 13 hours, it fell apart in serious ways when I lifted it out of the crock.

At work I won a little contest, go me! There's a bi-weekly email newsletter for staff, and sometimes the person who puts it together has a contest to see who can be first to answer some trivia contest. Today I successfully identified Elizabeth Barrett Browning's portrait, from seeing that plus the clue that today was a significant day in her life. (Turns out she died on this day in 1861.) I won a chocolate bar. Heh.

Have been completely muse-less on my commutes (I think I need to re-read the things that are supposedly in progress just to refresh my memory of WTH was happening), but have now finished posting the requests from last week, putting up the final three tonight.

  • Selfless Love [PotC: Norrington, general, 100 words]: James is not willing to settle for less than Elizabeth's heart. Here at IJ.
  • Parting [HP: Remus/Severus, general, 200 words]: Severus can see no alternative. Here at IJ.
  • Breakfast Redux [Breakfast Club: Brian/John, general, 300 words]: John wakes up alone. Here at IJ.

cc job, food, writing fic

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