Slow Monday

Jun 28, 2010 19:33

It was a very slow Monday at work, which was good since lots of the library staff are away at the ALA meeting, including my boss. My predecessor wasn't in (bad allergies acting up) and two of the staff also arrived late (they called, it was okay). But, as I say, very slow, so not a problem. Really nothing else much to say about today; SO is preparing dinner at the moment and hopefully it will soon be ready, since I'm hungry!

Posted a couple more request drabble/ficlet responses this evening:
  • The Right Decision [Narnia: Caspian/Edmund, general, 100 words]: It won't be easy, but Edmund has confidence in Caspian. Here at IJ.
  • All Unexpected [HP: Harry/Lucius, general, 400 words]: Coincidences happen. Here at IJ.

cc job

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