A Friday fannish participation poll

Feb 12, 2010 12:06

This is largely because I got to thinking about how long I'd been active in fandom, how it happened I started writing fic, and so forth, and wondered about other people's experiences. Hence, a multi-fandom poll! Feel free to add anything that you'd like about your fannish experiences in the comments, and I'd love it if anyone wants to link/pimp this, too.

Note, "active" in some of the questions below is a subjective description - if you consider yourself active, then you are. So one person who writes the occasional drabble may not consider hirself active, but another person who simply reads fic once in awhile would consider hirself active. That's fine. There's no specific type of participation or minimum level, it's just about what you think of your own activity. Likewise the questions regarding number of fandoms in which you are or have been active - if you consider writing a fic in a rare fandom, e.g. for Yuletide, to constitute being active in that fandom, then count it; if not, then don't. Your call.

ETA: It's been pointed out that I totally failed to include "going to concerts" as a means of participation, which is a major one for bandom folks. So sorry! If that's one of your forms, please tick the "convention" box in lieu as the closest thing listed. *is embarrassed*

Poll A Friday fannish participation poll

fannishness, polls, fandom

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