Slow down! Slow down!

Jan 16, 2010 18:21

I was offline for about 26 hours - and over a Friday night and Saturday for chrissakes - and I had to skip=90 on the LJ flist. Sheesh. Could not possibly comment on everything I would like to, but {{hugs}} to those who need it for various woes.

The plumbing repair is not quite finished, but sufficiently so that I could do laundry today, thankfully. They'll be back Monday to wrap up. The total: just shy of $6000.

On top of that, SO's car needs a $600 repair. This is ridiculous.

So I walked Juno, did 5 loads laundry, went to 5 stores for various errands, balanced checkbooks, and am now baking chocolate cake because I DESERVE CAKE. (It is from a mix... which, yeah, fail for me, but otoh we always baked cake from a mix when I was a kid, so it's comfort food in that way.)

After dinner SO is going out to a bar with a friend. I will either work on prep, finish watching ST:WoK, dink online, or read a mystery novel. Or perhaps all of the above.

I'm going to make black pepper ribs for me tomorrow, and roasted chicken breasts with vegetables for SO (we'll share the veggies); then for Monday black bean soup (have to remember to put the beans to soak) with cornbread. Plus salad, grapefruit, and other veg as needed.

Am pondering whether I might go see Sherlock Holmes again. Would have to be Monday, I think, as the ribs require attendance and even the first show wouldn't finish early enough to bake both ribs and chicken/veggies afterward.

to-do lists, house woes, auto woes, done did

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