Nov 03, 2024 19:28
I think I have a name for some of what's going on with the media and all that's going to help me get through the next few days. This is the Electionpocalypse. Like a Snowmeggedon especially in terms of the media. Things might go badly, but they also might not. Better stories come out of predicting the worst and its good to be prepared for the worst, but then its easy to get stuck in that feeling. I'm going to do my best to not live in the Electionpocalypse.
Hope is a weapon and I'm going to be hopeful that a lot of people are prepared. We know many people have voted early and I suspect the majority of the country wants this election done and to not have to think about Trump ever again.
I know work is going to be tricky as public libraries are one of those spaces where people just kind of say things, but the town I work is pretty nice. I'm going to work on having creative things lined up and planning my unusual Thanksgiving on vacation coming up. And maybe finally work on some health and home stuff that I've been putting off.
library life