Another year older

Jun 08, 2020 13:19

Today is my birthday and it feels surreal to be thinking about it and celebrating with everything going on in the world. Since March, my life has been fairly quiet as all the libraries are closed so I've been staying home. I've been donating since I've had a sore throat that comes and goes so I don't feel safe to be out more than my normal walk and errands. The song that keeps going through my head is Sixteen Tons especially the line, 'another day older and deeper in debt.' Even though I'm actually doing okay money wise since Massachusetts' unemployment is pretty generous but the song's there in my head.

In good news, I've been doing some cooking since one of my brothers sent me a package full of dried chilis and various spices. So since everything's made, tonight I can have chicken tacos with homemade guacamole and brownies and ice cream. On my walk, I think I'm going to pick up some wine. Yesterday, I had a nice Zoom call with most of my family, sadly not the brother in France as he forgot but I know I'll talk to him at some point.

I recently finished rewatching Avatar: the Last Airbender and I'd forgotten how good that show is. Also I love seeing all the meta as I wasn't really in the fandom before, but a lot of my friends were. In my reading, I've had lots of holds come in but I've been stalling out on new books and instead rereading a lot of Terry Pratchett. I started Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth but its a bit too close to real life so I'll probably give up on it until another time. My writing has also slowed down but that's how its been the past few months, it comes and goes, the ideas are there just need to get the words down.

tv, politics, about me, jobs, books, family, cooking, writing, corona virus

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