I recently had possibly good news, I have a job interview on Thursday for a job that would only be for a month. Its through a job agency but could be a nice opening and a way to make some money before the school year gets going again. And there’s the constant thrum of anxiety about my sister that’s always there.
But I’m having all sorts of doubts hitting me ranging from job worry to not being a good enough writer to everything. I also keep having complicated dreams about grown up TaleSpin characters which I really should try and write. That’s one of those shows of my childhood and as Disney has been putting out Disney Afternoon toys, its reminded me how much I love that world.
Things are good, I know that. This is just my summer doldrums combining with reading lots of people writing really good stuff and fretting. I think some of the writing worry is because I think I’m ready to start sharing actual major parts of the various AUs I’ve been working on. And there are some really great AU writers in the fandom so I get to overthinking how good am I. I know I’ll feel better when I can say, here’s the first chapter or here’s the first part.
I signed up for the Narnia Fic Exchange as well, I love it, its the 10th year and I love doing exchanges. And when the rebelcaptain exchanges start going later, I’m going to actually sign up as writing for exchanges is something I love doing.
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