On Monday I got back from a two week vacation with my family that was wonderful and tough all at once. I started the vacation being sick and having to finish up a fact checking job so I wasn't fully on break until a few days in. While I was there, my parents told me that my sister had been told some bad news about her cancer but no one seemed to have the specifics. We didn't get those details until yesterday when she finally had an appointment with her doctor and its not good news, but there are plans.
One of the best parts of the visit was that my brother and his oldest son who's three came from France to visit. I was partly sick while they were around, coughing and spending time curled up reading but there were some good moments. At the moment, my nephew adores Cars and the Cars' movie which I've always liked too. I took my nephew to the library for storytime and reading, helped my mom buy all sorts of fun beach toys and toys for him. And then he had so much fun with everyone and it was adorable how much my nephew loved my nieces who did puzzles with him, they're both young teens. Having so much of the family together was wonderful and complicated as my sister's so clearly sick and hanging over everything was wondering about this latest scan.
One useful thing I did while being there was I went to see the allergist I'd had before who gave me antibiotics which really helped and maintenance inhalers along with prescriptions to use up here. Before the month is out, I'm going to try and make an appointment with an allergist up here.
Then in the midst of all those family and health things, I had two different schools call me for interviews, two each that felt pretty good. On the drive back, I had one horrible moment as the skid guard on the bottom of my car decided to come apart, bumping and terrifying me. Thankfully at a rest stop, there was a garage and they took off and it was okay. On the way down, my sister had some debris pop her tire so hearing this rattle and bump made me really nervous.
I came home to a lovely pile of packages that I'd ordered on amazon with points from a hotel-lots of Star Wars' toys and only one dud, a cute t-shirt that was cut absurdly small. My Fourth of July was pretty quiet, I went downtown and walked around pretty Boston parks enjoying all the people that make up America. For the rest of the week, I have another fact checking job and all the driving gave me ideas for a few fics that I want to write.
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