Unexpected Snow Day

Feb 09, 2017 17:02

My day today went from getting going on a good schedule to annoyed at the hotel and then curled up in a snow day. I'm not too far from Boston and have done some arranging for my job thing tomorrow, not everything was moved but I sent messages.

This hotel is one I won't be coming back because even though its a chain I like and near the highway, the way they acted this morning was awful. So I wasn't the only one trying to leave this morning and I said I was checking out. Then I went to my car, got my stuff inside, cleared it off, everything started and I was able to back out and then got stuck. That all took me half an hour, I know they were busy but I feel like if you have a hotel with snow expected, check in a lot with people. Weirdly, there were two guys in a pick up truck just sitting there. I still don't know if they were watching me or what.

So I went in, cold, wet and annoyed because the side door locked and I'd turned in my key. I get in and try to get the front desk attention, they finally try and help me because I'd pulled my car out enough to block the snow plow. After a lot of yelling and some more interactions where they really didn't seem to trust that I knew my car, we got it back into its parking spot. Another woman who's car was out near mine watched it and was wonderful for sympathizing with me and saying, no, I heard what they were saying, you were right. I really needed that. I know what it sounds like when wheels are spinning, but it did get back into its parking space.

At that point, the snow was still coming down and the news kept saying roads were closing due to accidents. I decided to stay the night so had to go back out to get my bag and then upstairs for tea. Thankfully a local restaurant did deliver, I had a disappointing dinner from them last night and a good pizza today. That will be dinner too. Tomorrow I'll head out early and probably drive straight to the interview hotel then go collapse where I'm staying. And at this job conference, a lot of places want to talk to me, if I miss some, I'll know I've tried and they will too.

In good news, as the cable in the hotel wasn't working, I finally watched Finding Dory, which is a complicated movie. It has some good and not so much messages about disability but overall lovely. I've also finally started reading Goldenhand and I'm liking it a lot better than Clariel. It has the faster movement to it that I liked in the other books. The Old Kingdom is a world that I'm happy to revisit. And In the Heart of the Sea is on TV too, so far its beautifully made.

Life is a lot but from my experience of heading up to Boston last time for apartment searching, I know that New England states do know how to deal with snow. Tomorrow's drive won't be fun, but I think it will be manageable.

There's also all the mess of politics that I'm working on finding how to best create change and not be overwhelmed. Its hard but all of this is making me more certain than ever that I'm in the right profession where librarians and teachers work to protect and educate.

This entry is also posted at http://ceitfianna.dreamwidth.org/467097.html. Please comment wherever you'd like.

travel, movies, teacher-librarian, politics, weather, jobs, books, finding my way

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