I wrote another fic today. There's one gift fic that's started but being slow, while this drabble just happened. Apparently my mind is all about ever so slightly AUish drabbles of late.
Still Searching: Once Upon a Time, Charming/Snow-PG:
Canon AU: When Charming's memories come back after waking up from his coma, they're his FTL memories, not the curse-implanted set about Storybrooke.
I'll post it on Ao3 later as I have a feeling tags and how this fandom works might be confusing.
Everyone go and leave more prompts and fill them at this drabble fest, there are a lot of great ideas just sitting there.
MULTIFANDOM AU DRABBLE MEME This entry is also posted at
http://ceitfianna.dreamwidth.org/367633.html. Please comment wherever you'd like.