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Jan 07, 2013 17:53

Last night I returned to Michigan to find a snow drift in front of my patio, all the snow from two drives in my complex has been pushed in front of it. This was not what I was hoping for as I had some cumbersome things to bring in and I was hoping to just put them on the porch and get them through my patio door, I ended up doing that but had to go around and do more hauling than I wanted. Though it reminded me how much I like where I've ended up living since someone said hello and told me that the other resident who lived here had complained as well. I've had lots of these small interactions since I moved in and its great, because it makes me feel like I've found a place where people care and watch out for each other. I left a message about it with the complex's office and one good thing came out of it, they finally fixed my loose oven door handle, but I have no idea if anything will change with the snow. My parent's surmise is probably right that they hire someone who just does what's easiest, I live on the corner so plow the snow there.

Today was also a good day as I returned to school and felt comfortable and as if I was coming back to a place that worked. I was able to figure out an issue with the computers, a teacher talked to me about her students doing research for exam week in the library and lots of wonderful little conversations. There are frustrations and issues to sort out, but it all makes me hopeful.

I'm going to try and do my best to take care of myself as well, which means waking up in enough time to make and bring my own tea. Last night I bought some granola bars when I did my brief grocery shop and I'll take some of them with me to eat during the day. I plan on doing leftovers and even frozen meals later on, but small steps that involve eating better are my focus. I'm trying to keep with a general eating, cooking mantra of eat better food, so more cooking, dishes that I can make on the weekend or on my earlier days to have at other times. My big basket of food goodies and equipment from my brother and sister-in-law will help with that, lots of sauces, salts and various tastes to test out. I'm going to do a big stock up at Trader Joe's this week and enjoy making food.

Weirdly or maybe not, I just felt more like I was truly being a professional today with my new jacket and gloves that kept me warm as I went to work. I plan on putting stuff up on my walls and just doing what I need to so that my apartment keeps feeling like mine.

This FicFriday was a nice one and I'm steadily working my way through my gift fics. Here I'm posting the Friday fics so I don't lose track of them.

For @thisisyourfault

Lily & William - wildness

The first time she saw him after a fight, Lily lamented their west. He bled to leave a mark on a wild land and hard people.

Moist & Saffron - sharp

She carried knives and kept her nails just so, Moist would always find scratches after being with her. Saffron left a mark.

Tumnus, Caspian, Porthos - party

Tumnus was starting to suspect that Porthos knew Bacchus, he just kept finding wine where it shouldn't be. It was a talent.

Charles - metal

Metal has fields around it, magnetic ones that Erik feels and knows as he knows emotions. How would his chair feel to Erik?

Red Pollard&Tiwa - laugh

He loves her laugh, how its full of as much music as her voice. If he could ride it, it'd be like riding Pops during a race.

For @chanter1944

Sariel, Will, Scurlock and Roe: Red, the blood of angry men, black, the dark of ages past.

It was a nasty fight in crowded streets with no truly safe places, Doc's blond hair turned red with blood as Will's was redder.

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making a home, twitter, cowboy school, moist, tumnus, tiwa, william, charles xavier, fic, cooking, weather is strange, finding my way, will

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