Seven Sins-Lust

Mar 23, 2011 22:00

Today has been a day when I just didn't feel all here, but my database group seems to be doing okay. I worried about not being in last week, but I think we have a plan and we'll do okay. Our project is smaller than other peoples and this project will get done before my other two. So that's something good. Otherwise I just feel worn out and I know its going to get worse before it gets better.

While I know the Classics' department is looking for something for me, registration is coming up and I'd love to have that stuff sorted before the end of the semester. I'm just not sure at what point do I say, thank you, but I'll just do one of the other courses I found.

In nicer news, it sounds like my family might come out to visit in late June and I'm going to try and plan at least one or two weekend trips during the summer to see people if I can.

Now for the last day of this meme, which is a complicated one. I'm not sure how this is going to go, but I've enjoyed doing this meme and how its made me think.

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

1-I give and love giving.
In relationships, I tend to put myself second to the one I'm with. I want to find the things that make them happy and keep coming back to them. From where and how they like to be kissed to their favorite foods, it makes me happy.

2-I take the first step.
Sadly I haven't done this in too long but in most of my previous relationships I took the first step. Its scary, but I love that moment when you kiss someone and see their face light up and go, oh, you feel that way too, its worth it.

3-I'm sensual.
This is covering a lot here, because the wording of this is just tricky. I really enjoy sex but also all of the things around it. I love being held and holding someone, giving massages, finding each others secret spots. I miss so much having someone to do this with that its a quiet ache.

4-I don't really do casual.
That phrase serial monogamist describes me perfectly. When I'm with someone, I'm with them. I had one weird short rebound relationship but most of mine are measured in years. Since that's how I am, I love being with someone and thinking of a future and knowing they'll be there. I want them to know they can count on me.

5-I'm silly.
I have a weird sense of humor and it slips into my love life. I want to be with someone who makes me laugh and I want them to laugh. And laughter comes from silly things from tickle fights to being caught in the rain to bad movies, laughter walks with love for me.

6-When I love you, you're family.
I'm from a big and welcoming and silly family, we take care of each other and are there for each other. I love being able to welcome those I adore into this world and making them a part of my family too.

7-I need space.
Sometimes I need to go and hide from the world in a book or on a walk. If someone is willing to give me that or be quiet beside me then they make me happy in another amazing way.

I hope these make sense to anyone who's not me and please feel free to ask me questions since today I feel rather cotton wooled.

i want to be a librarian, meme, someday i'll have a sexlife, family, health, romance, i am a classics geek, michigan

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