Seven Sins-Envy

Mar 16, 2011 20:27

Today was quiet, my database course is the only I can comfortably miss a class because she doesn't take attendance and makes good slides. I try not to miss a lot of things since the semesters are so packed here but I think I'm going to pass this class even if I miss two. This morning I woke up and was just sore and the thought of not only being on campus for a while but hauling my big laptop around made me decide to just not.

Instead I emailed with the Classics' department and there was progress until one of the people I emailed with said oh these classes are for the fall. For context, the email I sent out had as the subject Summer Graduate Courses, on Friday I'm going to meet with one of these advisors and see if I can figure out something. I would be so happy if I could translate Greek and get credit for it.

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

1-My diploma
I know I can and will get this one but honestly I just want it so badly. I would like to have an email exchange that ends by going and you're all settled. It would take this huge load off my back.

2-A job
A place to work that satisfies me and keeps me in trips and books and good food in an interesting town or city. I know its out there and I'm glad I have the summer to look, because I hate looking for jobs. Its tiring and scary and nervewracking but I think number 1 is going to get me to a good place to start.

3-A partner
I miss so much having someone in my life, I consider myself a serial monogamist. My shortest relationship was this weird blip of three weeks and the next one was almost two years. I want someone to share the ups and downs of life and hold me on bad days, that I can cook for and to share my bed.

4-More self-confidence
This is very body related for me at the moment. My last boyfriend made me doubt how I look and some days, I don't think about it but others I do. My current focus is on getting my degree and a job so that I'm in a place where I can eat better and just care for myself. I just want to not have caveats for myself of how I look.

5-Space to dance
This one is complicated but I think important for me. I miss performing and being out in the dance of people. My priority is school at the moment and I adore my online world of friends so much, but I miss being in a place like Randy-Mac where we'd all pile in a van and go to a club. Since college, I've had trouble finding that again since most of my friends life farther away. Maybe a better way to put this is I want to live near my friends so we can actually do things.

6-To know I'm heard
I think this one is probably the most selfish, but one I'm trying to deal with. I've started to actually share more of my writing online through Yuletide and communicating with authors and librarians on Twitter and other avenues. The terrifying thing is knowing if what I'm putting out there is read and heard at all. I'm going to keep doing this more, because this is something that counts to me. What's the point of creation if only you know you've created?

7-A little more courage
Enough to do something out there that I've always thought of but haven't done like getting a tattoo or going on a blind date. Just to put myself out there and dare the world.

Again this meme took me in some unexpected directions, its odd how somehow sins are good at bringing out parts of ourselves we don't always look at.

i want to be a librarian, meme, someday i'll have a sexlife, masters, jobs, family, health, romance, i am a classics geek, writing, michigan

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