When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? Just an archive? Your own personal site?
I like to keep my main LJ account separate from my fic and fandom posts, which is why I set up the Ceindreadh_fic community. All my fic gets posted here first and then I’ll post links to it on the relevant fic comms.
I also post to www.fanfiction.net as I have most of my fic since I started writing. But the first place I started posting to, and indeed my first exposure to fanfic was on the newsgroup alt.tv.er.creative
Later I joined fanfic mailing lists -e-groups and later yahoo - and started posting there as well. I moved over to Livejournal a few years later, after I got involved in the Torchwood fandom.
For a while in the early days, I had my own website where I archived most of my ER fic. But when I switched ISPs, I couldn’t access it to update it. It’s probably still out there *somewhere*!