30 day fic writing meme - day 22

Aug 04, 2011 23:00

Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you've thought about doing? And if not, why not?

I’ve participated in a few Remixes - you sign up and say what fandoms you’ve written a minimum number of fics in, and what fandom you’re willing to write in. When sign ups are over, you get assigned an author and have to pick one of their stories to rewrite the way you would have written it. While I’ve enjoyed the writing side of it, a few times I’ve been a little bit disappointed with the other author’s interpretation of my stories.

I’ve participated in an NCIS Ficathon - you sign up by listing three prompts which you would like to see written, and also what genres and/or pairings you’re willing and not willing to write. And then you get assigned somebody to write a fic for based on their prompts. I took part in this once, and quite enjoyed the challenge of writing a pairing that I hadn’t previously considered (Gibbs/Jimmy)

I’ve also signed up for a number of Big Bangs - challenge is to write a fic of at least 10,000 words. Most years I get about a paragraph done before getting distracted by other stories/challenges. This year though I think I’ve managed it - got an 8,000 word draft by the preliminary deadline, now just need to add another 2,000 words to the total.

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