On Vox: tues & wed (walking + crunch workouts)

Apr 08, 2008 22:49

yesterday (monday) i walked with chinook for 57 mins... 322 cal burn.
i also wanted to do crunch boot camp but searched high and low for the dvd and couldnt find it anywhere!  i also could not find the vhs!   what the heck?!?!  im sure that i have that workout... my inventory listing says that i have it on dvd.   ive never actually lost a workout before.   i spent 20 mins looking for it ::sigh::

The next step


todays workout started with a 58 min walk, followed by 'crunch:the next step' with kendall hogan (32 mins).    494 cals!
'the next step' is an old favourite.   not a hard workout by any means but certainly a fun and entertaining one.   kendall is really bouncy and the live drummer is always great.

this evening i did 2 more crunch workouts...  'bikini body' and 'joy of yoga'.    bikini body was ehhhh, ok.    it consists of three 10 min segments... one for abs, one for buns, one for thighs.   the instructor is lena pereira who is a small tanned young blonde and is obviously a dancer.   she uses every opportunity to add dancey movements to the workout which did not thrill me as im more of an athletic type of person.   i have to give her credit for creativity though.  imo, not one of crunch's best workouts, but someone who likes dance workouts might like it more.

'joy of yoga' is led by sara ivanhoe and is a good short yoga practice which i quite enjoy.  this one is recommended.

an additional 274 cal burn with these two workouts.    i feel like i accomplished alot today.

Originally posted on ceeceevee.vox.com
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