hey, i finally have a workout to report today :)
started with a walk with chinook for 58 mins... it was sunny and warm but with a fast NE win, so i still had to wear lots of gear. overall quite nice... i like that my water bottle doesnt ice up anymore ;)
Fat burning ab attack
then i did crunch: fat burning ab attack which is one i hadnt done before. instructor is cat chiarelli who is a nice girl
with great abs, but she needs to work on her cueing and form tips. the workout was light so i didnt mind, but i did take notice. overall this is a quality production with a cute routine, instructor and cast. well, except for a guy in the
back of the class who cannot co-ordinate himself with the girls and wears a goofy fake smile on his face through the whole thing...LOL.
a warmup is provided... marching in place, step touches, kickbacks, v-steps, mambo (which cat does not cue and i flub ::sigh::), a couple of quick stretches.
the standing ab work consists of various twists and oblique crunches. cat alternates sets of these with squats, plies and static side lunges.
the floor work is crunch variations, side planks and supermans, a quick stretch.
experienced beginner level - 32 mins.
good for a light day which was exactly what i wanted.
total: 90 mins, 509 calories :)
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