First Impressions of Auckland

Aug 31, 2010 06:14

Wow.. feels like I'm in the Pacific Northwest :) The weather is Portland in April. Sun out one moment, raining lightly the next. The city is hilly like Seattle and more coffee shops than seattle. More internet cafes too. Very young city. Sat outside a gelato shop on Queen Street yesterday and people watched. Most of the folks passing by looked like age 30 or less. Short skirts and tights is very popular here. Steve isn't complaining.

Woke up at 5:30 am this morning (yeah almost on NZ time!) so hitting the internet cafe for an hour until breakfast places are open. Then walking down to to Kelly Tarltons Antarctic Encounter & Underwater World today. Should be fun. Plan on doing another 5 + mile walk tomorrow from one side of the island to the other with a few side stops at Mt Eden and One Tree Hill. man.. should have brought my pedometer. :)
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