(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 08:04

All my updates are going to facebook these days. Need to remember to post here too.

A lot of fun and not so fun stuff going on. First the fun:

Had a great time up in Vancouver for the olympics. Far more fun than expected. We saw 7 curling games and 2 hockey games. I saw some if the most incredible rocks thrown and as an introduction to hockey, Swiss vs norway got me hooked. Furthermore the atmospere up there was just incredible. Steve and I are talking about Russia in 2014.

Next adventure is kinkfest. Believe it or not, I have never been. It will be interesting to see what it us like, who is there, and who recognizes me from 10 years ago when I was more active in the community.

After that we are off to Hawaii for almost two weeks which us another place I have never been. Get to spend the time hanging with the inlaws including the Australian contingent. Will be fun to see them.

We have also started making plans to go to worldcon this year in Melbourne. Will be able to spend time with mac's brother and the newest addition to the Eide family is due while we are in town. We also plan a visit with some other friends in the area. Can't wait to cross another continant off my to do list.

Captain seems to be settling into his new home. Unfortunately he and his pasture mate aren't great friends yet judging from the torn blankets and bite wounds. But he is loving all the attention he us getting. kachera is helping me out with him by riding a few days a week. I an riding a few days a week as health permits ( see below) and I am finally able to work with him and a good trainer that comes down from Washington once a month. I am loving it!

The bad news:

My health has been driving me nuts. I've had a wonderful asthmatic cough for 6 weeks now. Some days it is bad enough that I have to carry my inhaler just to walk from the parking lot to work. Other days it's there but not bad at all. I haven't found any pattern to it. Exercise, including riding, is iffy. I am seeing a pulmonary doctor but there isn't much that can be done. I'm on all sorts of fun steroids and inhaler type things. Sigh.

The other health prob is a bit TMI but it results in a trip to the surgery room with my obgyn a week after Hawaii. I'll be having some uterine polyps removed and possibly an endometrial abulation while I'm there. Anyone else ever had this done? My mom swears by it and it would make my life so much easier in a lot if ways. I have until April 8th to decide on that.

The other bad is my sister. It sometimes seems that the universe just dumps on those who really don't need anything else. She has filed for divorce and is looking into bancruptcy. Furthermore one of her closest friends is having serious life and health problems of her own so my sis is helping take care of her and her two daughters. I wish there was more I could do to help.

That's it in a nutshell.
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