Kiwanis is done and over with, so now I have the Mother's Day recital to prepare for.
. . .T_____T
But anyway. I need help! :D I was informed that I need to say a little something to my mother before my performance.
What can I say? T____T
Worst comes to worst I'll find a short poem and just recite that. But I need to tell my teacher what I'll be saying by this Saturday...T_T;;;; When she told me I tried to squirm out of doing it, but no go.
Hmm. Hmmmm. T_T;;;;;
Ooooh!Does this mean I have an excuse for eating spoonfuls of ketchup now?
McDonald's here NEED to start serving rice. Sometimes I just really don't want a burger, but a good rice lunchbox (overflowing with good ol' MSG, of course).
I think I strained something. The muscles around my left hip aches whenever I move.
Mmm. So they found
Cecilia Zhang several days ago. No surprise; to be honest, who really expected her to still be alive? Yes, the hope bubble was there, but A tragedy nonetheless.
I feel for the hiker who stumbled upon her remains. How psychologically scarring. But it was lucky that her remains were even found.
Edith, her mother, and I were talking about it on the way home from the University yesterday - we placed our guess on it being an act of revenge [on the parents]. Probably something they did back in China, before they moved to Canada. Time to bring in the Chinese government and weed that murderer out! Let's just hope they don't botch it up.
Slightly off-topic: dear news article editors, why are you not doing your job? At least keep her name *consistent*. Cecilia, not Cecelia!
Adrienne Clarkson:
You bring shame to Chinese-Canadians with your lavish spending ways.
Get out of my sight.
Much love, Cecilia.
Liberal Party of Canada:
Ever since I discovered Canadian politics, I have been more or less supportive of your party. For the most part.
You disappoint me.
Much love, Cecilia.
P.S. I love your
"Canada" logo and all, but that still does not justify the ONE MILLION you spent on it. You may not have noticed, but hey, that's our money you're spending. Thank you for reading.
Dear Mr.
Paul Martin:
You sucked as a finance minister.
And as far as I can tell, you still suck. Except now you suck as a prime minister.
Much love, Cecilia.
Stephen Harper and
Conservative Party of Canada:
I never really cared about you guys. Okay, so when I was younger I supported Stephen Harper simply because he was Calgarian.
But now, it's time to kick some seriously corrupted Liberal butt.
Much love, Cecilia.
You are Maguro or Tuna! You are the Japanese
sweetheart. Everyone loves you! You know what
people like and you treat them to it.
What piece of Kaitenzushi are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Part One
.1. What is your name? Cecilia Chung
.2. Are you happy with it? Yeah.
.3. Are you named after anyone? That I know - No. My mother took the name from Saint Cecilia.
.5. Your screenname: Tarynchan, cecitaryn...
.6. Would you name a child of yours after you? What, Cecilia Jr.? No.
.7. Then what would you name your children? I want a son named Tobias. :D Uh...dunno if I have a daughter...
.8. If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be? No idea.
.9. If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? I like a lot of my friends' names...:D I think I'd want to steal Signy's name.
.10. Are there any typos that people do with your name? Oh man. Way too many to list. International Languages *still* send me notices addressed to "Cecelia Chung". Even my last name gets messed with...T_T
.11. Would you drop your last name if you became famous? Probably not.
.12. Your gender: Female.
.13. Straight/gay/bi? Straight.
.15. Want to be gay? wait, I don't get it. =_= if I'm gay, I'm gay. If I'm not, I'm not. What's with this "want to be" thing... (and what happened to #14?)
.16. Your birthdate: June 18, 1987.
.17. Your age: 16.
.18. Age you act: -296
.19. Age you wish you were: anywhere from age three to six. Child genius! Wahaha.
.20. Your height: 5'5". Well, and a half inch. I wonder if I can grow another half inch to make it 5'6"...;_; *skips rope*
.21. The color of your eyes: Brown.
.22. Happy with it? Uh...I'd be a pretty weird Chinese if I had anything but brown eyes. But yeah, I'm happy with it.
.23. The color of your hair: Brown-black.
.24. Happy with it? I'd like it better if it was blacker. And thicker. ;_; Like when I was little. ;o;
.25. Left/right/ambidextrous? Right. Am trying to teach myself to become ambidextrous so that hand cramps occur less often when scribbling study notes.
.26. Your living arrangement? mes parents et moi.
.27. Your family: see above.
.28. Have any pets? No.
.29. What's your job: Being a student... :B
.30. Piercings? One in each ear. They might as well not exist, I never wear earrings anyway...
.31. Tattoos? No thanks.
.32. Obsessions? food and sleep above all!
.33. Addictions? see above....? :D
.35. Do you speak another language? Yeah, Cantonese. Stumbles around with Mandarin, took French for six years but forgot everything as soon as I stopped taking it (oops XD), taking Japanese right now (but am too lazy to memorize vocabulary, which is made worse because all us Chinese taking Japanese "cheat" by writing kanji whenever possible XD), want to take Latin next year but highly doubt it'll happen because of all the other courses I need to take. :(
.36. Have a favorite quote? "Zzzz."
.37. Do you have a webpage? Yeah.
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
.38. Do you live in the moment? Think so.
.39. Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yup.
.40. Do you have any secrets? Everyone does. :P
.41. Do you hate yourself? Yeah, but that's okay. XD
.42. Do you like your handwriting? Ew. No. T_T
.43. Do you have any bad habits? I tug on my hair/lick my lips when bored/nervous/frustrated.
.44. What is the compliment you get most from people? "You say some of the stupidest things *ever*." :D
.45. If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Procrastinator.
.46. What's your biggest fear? Failure.
.47. Can you sing? Most people can, it's just a matter of actually sounding decent or not....
.48. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? Unsure (I don't think I do it consciously, at least), but most likely yes.
.49. Are you a loner? Sometimes. By choice.
.50. What are your no. 1 priorities in life? Trying to be perfect. >:D
.51. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? No! I will kick my own butt. Hyeah! (Mmm, maybe.)
.52. Are you a daredevil? No. XD Well. Sometimes. In the stupid kind of way. Like eating something no one else will eat because it will *obviously* cause food poisoning.
.53. Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Let's not get into that, I can whine for a long time...XD
.54. Are you passive or aggressive? Ooooh, passive. Unless I'm really pissed off, but even then I only work up to being assertive...
.55. Have you got a journal? This is it. I have one IRL too, but I don't write in it much. I think my mother reads it. :P (she must be disappointed, last I wrote in it was almost a year ago...and it was a really boring entry, too.)
.56. What is your greatest strength and weakness? I honestly can't think of a strength. Everything that comes to mind have so much that needs to be improved on. Greatest weakness...mmm. I guess being stubborn at the wrong time, about the wrong things.
.57.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Everything. :D *upgrades self*
.58. 3 cups of love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of 1. Which 1 would you drink of? There's no cup of intelligence/wisdom?! T_T
.59. When you're mad what do you do? Seeth silently.
.60. Do you think you are emotionally strong? I think so.
.61.Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Oh, so much. T_T More of the "what I haven't done" part. I am wasting time! TOT If I was more hardworking I could be multi-talented and skilled in many areas by now...
.62. Do you think life has been good so far? Yup, plenty of other people have it much worse.
.63. What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Don't take compliments seriously [from most people]. They lie to be polite.
.64. What do you like the most about your body? I use to like my wrists, but now that I have a big red mark on my right wrist....uh, I don't think I have anything else I like. :/
.65. And least? My FLAB. :D *shakes it like jello* Mm, and how I have pretty thin skin and you can see the veins, especially in my arms and legs. My hands make Edith cringe; the veins show up even more when I'm cold. XD And my limbs are like, perpetually cold...
.66. Do you think you are good looking? Not at all.
.67. Are you confident? No. XD
.68. What is the fictional character you're most like? Uh...I dunno. You tell me. :B
.69. Do people know how you feel? Don't think so.
.70. Are you perceived wrongly? Sometimes. People need to stop making assumptions.
.71. Smoke? No.
.72. Do drugs? No.
.73. Read the newspaper? Yup, as soon as I get home from school. It's something I really look forward to. :D << weird
.74. Pray? Uh, yeah. It's an integral part of going to a Catholic school...though I do pray outside of school and church. Just not that often. << bad
.75. Go to church? Yes.
.76. Talk to strangers who IM you? Yes. Adds spice to life.
.77. Sleep with stuffed animals? Elephant and Piggy (I forgot what I named them. oops.) sit at the foot of my bed.
.78. Take walks in the rain? Want to, but usually end up staying inside to do homework or practice piano. Plus there are earthworms out there...;o;
.79.Talk to people even though you hate them? Of course. They don't know I hate them. >:D
.80. Drive? Can't drive. I've never even gone behind the wheel, even though I have my learner's. :P
.81.Like to drive fast? n/a.
.82.Liked your voice? Nope.
.83.Hurt yourself? Sure.
.84.Been out of the country? Of course.
.85. Eaten something that made other people sick? Haha, yeah. XD
.87. Been unfaithful? No. I am really strict about being devoted to one person and one person only. I remember being scandalized when my friend told me she had a crush on two guys at the same time. XD << weird
.88.Been in love? Sure.
.89. Done drugs? Advil is a drug!
.90. Gone skinny-dipping? Nevaaaaaaah.
.91. Had a medical emergency? Nope.
.92. Had surgery? Uh, when I had my wisdom teeth taken out?
.93. Ran away from home? No. I thought about running away once (when I was...eight?), not because of problems, but simply because I was curious (after reading a book in which a character ran away from home). XD But when I sat down and planned it out, I ran into a lot of obstacles (especially financially; who'd hire an eight year old to work?), and decided it wasn't worth it.
.94. Played strip poker? Yeah, the game didn't really go anywhere though.
.95. Gotten beaten up? Nope.
.96. Beaten someone up? Nope.
.97. Been picked on? Hmm. Not that I can remember.
.98. Been on stage? Of course. Many times.
.100. Slept outdoors? Don't think so...maybe. I don't remember.
.101. Thought about suicide? Nope. I don't have enough time to do everything as it is, I'm not about to shorten my lifespan willingly. :/
.102. Pulled an all-nighter? Hooyeah.
.103. If yes, what is your record? Dunno.
.104. Gone one day without food? Yeah, Lenten fasting.
.105. Talked on the phone all night? No.
.106. Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? I've slept with the opposite sex. No intentions of having sex with them.
.107. Slept all day? No. Most I've slept is maybe...16 hours?
.108. Killed someone? No.
.109. Made out with a stranger? A total stranger...? No.
.110. Had sex with a stranger? No.
.111. Thought you're going crazy? No.
.112. Kissed the same sex? More like "kissed BY the same sex"....but not on mouth.
.113. Done anything sexual with the same sex? No.
.114. Been betrayed? Not remembering exact events, but probably.
.115. Had a dream that came true? Yup. Dejaaaa vuuuuuuu~
.116. Broken the law? Sure.
.117. Met a famous person? No. Had a chance to meet Bill Clinton in Gr. 9, but passed up on the contest because I was too busy to write the essay.
.118. Masturbated? I'd like the kitties to stay alive, thanks.
.119. Masturbated with something other then your hand? boop boop.
.120. Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Ants/flies/mosquitos. Oooh, when I was really little I killed a bee by flipping over and squashing it while sleeping on a beach towel. That was also the day when I received my first bee sting...(sat right on the stinger.)
.121. On purpose? Ants/flies/mosquitos.
.122. Had sex? Abstinence for all! *human race is wiped out*
.123. With more then 1 person? no.
.124. Threesome? No.
.125. Orgy? No.
.126. Whip cream? I'd like the whip cream to stay on the food.
.127. Bondage? No.
.128. Whipped/gotten whipped? Leaves marks!
.129. Blindfolded? No. I like my sight.
.130.Tied someone up/been tied up? Done that, but it wasn't for sexual purposes. >_>
.131. Used candle? No.
.132. Used Porn? For what? to get sex? no.
.133. Been a groupie? huh?
.134. Watched porn? Clips of it, yeah. (why thank you, those of you who linked me to that stuff.) It was pretty funny. XD
.135. With another person? No.
.136. Gotten caught? huh?
.137. Masturbated to porn? No.
.138. Been caught masturbating? n/a.
.139. Watched someone masturbate? was in one of the porn clips.
.140. Been watched? n/a.
.141. Had oral sex? No.
.142. With someone other then your gf/bf? n/a.
.143. Committed adultery? Never.
.144. Does your significant other know? n/a.
.145. Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yes, but I believe that I did the right thing under those circumstances. It turned out well, anyway.
.146. Stolen anything? Mmm...not that I can remember.
.147. Been on radio/TV? Don't think so.
.148. Been in a mosh-pit? No.
.149. Had a nervous breakdown? No.
.150. Considered religious vocation?
.151. Been criticized about your sexual performance? n/a.
.152. Bungee jumped? No. Too wimpy.
.153. Had a dream that kept coming back? Don't think so.
CLOTHES and other fashion shit
.154. Shoe brand? No preference.
.155. Brand of clothing? See above.
.156. Cologne/perfume? No thanks.
.157. What are you normally wearing to school? Top & jeans. I am boring.
.158. How about parties? Either same as above, or I substitute a skirt in.
.159. Wear hats? During winter, yes. Summer, sometimes. Spring/Autumn, usually no.
.160. Judge other people by their clothing? Yeah, kinda. But I realize that's just an assumption, it's not like I limit my view of them to just that.
.161. Wear make-up? No.
.162. Favorite place to shop? I don't even like to shop much...
.163. Favorite article of clothing? Scarves, during the winter.
.164. Are you trendy? Not at all. XD
.165. Would you rather wear a uniform to school? That would make my life so. much. easier. T_____T
.166. Believe in life on other planets? Micro-organisms...
.167. Miracles? Not really.
.168. Astrology? Not really, but I read them for fun. :D
.169. Magic? No.
.170. God? Yeah.
.171. Satan? Mmmm....not quite. There's definitely evil, but I don't quite believe in its existence in the form of a physical being.
.172. Santa? No.
.173. Ghosts? Half-half.
.174. Luck? Half-half.
.175. Love at first sight? No.
.176.) Yin and Yang ?
.177. Witches? No.
.178. Easter bunny? No.
.179. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Possible.
.180. Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No.
.181. Do you wish on stars? Yes. But do I believe it works? Not really.
.182. Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? Mmm. The stuff religion classes taught.
.183. Do you think God has a gender? No. Though God still retains a more masculine feel as our "Father".
.184. Do you think that science counteracts religion? They can work together.
.185. Do you believe in organized religion? I'm Roman Catholic.
.186. Where do you think we go when we die? Not sure. Either to be judged, or to wander the earth/some other dimension as a spirit/ghost.
.187. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Mm, maybe not friends, we're not all that close...but acquaintances, yes.
.188. Who is your best friend? Edith.
.189. Who's the one person that knows most about you? Probably Edith.
.190. Best advice: Go sleep.
.191. Your favorite inside joke? Oh, not sure. They're all funny.
.192. Thing you're picked on most about? Three things: (a) how I can't pronounce "th" properly, (b) how I'll be silent and seem out of it, and then suddenly snap around and say something, making them jump, and (c) how I often hear the wrong things ("You said what?! ...oh. Sorry, heard something else.")
.193. Who's your longest known friend? Edith.
.194. Newest? Uh...Eryn. Or Clare.
.195. Shyest? Carole. Though when it comes to public speaking or speaking to someone I don't know very well, I'm the shyest. :P
.196. Funniest? the BCHS posse. XD Blobby/John online.
.197. Sweetest? Carole. She's like, the epitome of your typical shy, sweet, adorably cute girl who everyone likes. T_T
.198. Closest? Edith.
.199. Weirdest? That's...probably me. T_T;
.200. Smartest? kyr, Signy, Clare.
.201. Ditziest? That's...also probably me....T__T;;;;
.202. Friends you miss being close to the most? Tina.
.203. Last person you talked to online? Jonathan.
.204. Who do you talk to most online? kyr. Uh...Edith too, but since I talk to her a lot offline as well...:D;
.205. Who are you on the phone with most? My father. XD
.206. Who do you trust most? Myself! :D I think.
.207. Who listens to your problems? Oh, I'm sure most of them will listen. I don't really tell anyone my problems, though.
.208. Who do you fight most with? Edith, but they're petty fights for fun. :P
.209. Who's the nicest? Mmm...answer varies depending on circumstances.
.210. Who's the most outgoing? Anna-banana.
.211. Who's the best singer? Probably Jocelyn.
.212. Who's on your shit-list? I have no such list. What's a shit-list, anyway? a hit-list?
.213. Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? I have no desire to get into any of my friends' pants.
.214. Who's your second family? kyr...? :D
.215. Do you always feel understood? Nope.
.216. Who's the loudest friend? Jocelyyyyyyn.
.217. Do you trust others easily? Well, if the level of trust isn't factored in...yeah.
.218. Hmm where is it? In my stomach.
.219. Name one person whose arms you feel safe in: Ahh, my bed's warm and inviting embrace...oh wait, that's not a person. Hm. Mm. Mmm. *thinks* I don't really want to be in anyone's arms, though...but most guys would do the job. They're big and warm. :D Except for Matt. I use to be able to kick his butt, that doesn't make me feel safe in his arms...XD *smacked*
.220. Do your friends know you? Not entirely.
.221. Friend that lives farthest away: Probably you Aussie people.
LOVE, and all that
.222.Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing the section title? Why yes. I am cowering beneath my desk with my keyboard right now, cocooned in my fleece blanket and shaking with fear.
.223. Do you remember your first love? Yup.
.224. Still love him/her? In a different way.
.225. Do you consider love a mistake? Sometimes.
.226. What do you find romantic? Little things, gestures.
.227.Turn-on? gentlemanly qualities. Intelligence. Talented guys. Boyish cuteness. :D
.228 Turn-off? Oh, maaaaany. :D
.229. First kiss? I may have been kissed in kindergarten/elementary, but I don't remember all that clearly. So I'll just say "not yet". :D
.230. If someone liked you , but you had no feelings for them how would you feel? I am sorry, but the relationship is unlikely. Saddened that I cannot return their feelings, but I will not dwell on it for a long time.
.231. Do you like knowing someone before you date? Sure. Blind dates would be interesting, though. :D
.232. Do you wish girls could ask guys out more? Nothing's stopping girls from doing that...
.233. Have you ever been attracted to an unattractive guy/girl? Mmm...they're no prince, but they're not unattractive.
.234. Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Well. There's bound to be someone out there who thinks so. :P But overall, no.
.235. What is best about the opposite sex? They're so fun! And interesting to talk to. And they're more willing to go with the stupid things I suggest than my girl friends are. :D
.236. What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? When they whine about how no girls want them.
.236. Do you read porn? Read H manga, but the sex interfered with the story so much it was frustrating to read. I don't like reading them, the storyline could be paced much faster if it wasn't for all the meaningless sex...
.237. Read the articles? Articles on porn? Sure. Someone linked me to one.
.238. Just the pics? I've seen porn pics, yeah...I don't go out and look for them, though. :P
.239. What's the last present someone gave you? I don't know.
.240. Are you in love? Right now, it's not love.
.241. Do you consider your significant other hot? Oh, my darling Sasuke is so lusted after by other girls. :D But he's all mine! << delusional
.242. When you see a hot guy/girl what do you do? Start judging and "grading" them. XD
.243. Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? It'd be interesting, but I don't really "wish" for it.
.244. What would you do if you were a boy/girl? Hit on other girls. Betcha I'd score. >:D
.245. What do you love most about the other gender? They are fun people.
.246. What do you dislike most? They can be so...clingy...
.247. What do you understand least? Why people say they're serious about someone and then as soon as they're rejected move on to the next person and start asking the person they HAD liked what they should do to score with the new love interest.
.248. What do you notice first in the opposite sex? How they move/act/hold themselves.
.249. What is your fave possession? My heart. See, I kinda need it to live....
.250. What physical, tangible possession do you want most? An acceptance letter from a good university/college. XD Or a good scholarship. Oooooh.
.251. How badly do you want it? Baaaad.
.252. Have you ever seen The Exorcist? No.
.253. What? Boop boop!
.254. That haunted you? Uh...
.255. You wanted to kill? No one.
.256. That you laughed at? One of the BCHS people.
.257. That laughed at you? ....One of the BCHS people. XD
.258. That turned you on? Uh...
.259. You went shopping with? Mother.
.260. That broke your heart? [He] did, simply because it's [him].
.261. To disappoint you? Myself.
.262. To ask you out? Nnnn, that was quite awhile names. :D
.263. To make you cry? I don't know. o_o When did I last cry...
.264. To brighten up your day? The guy selling tickets today during lunch. XD Aw, I should've bought the ticket. I feel bad now.
.265. That you thought about? [Him].
.267. You saw a movie with? I think it was Katie, Matt and Devin.
.268. You talked to on the phone? Father.
.269. You talked to through IM? Jonathan.
.270. You saw? Mother.
.271. You lost? Eva.
.272. You went head over heels for? :D
.273. You thought was completely N-U-T-Z? Mm, no one.
.274. You wanted to be? Someone.
.275. You told to fuck off? I do not *tell* people to fuck off, that's such a crude way of doing things. :D
.276. You trusted? *shrug*
.277. You turned down? Uhhhh, that was a long time ago...X3 He should know who he is.
.278. Smiled? Today.
.279. Laughed? Today.
.280. Cried? I dunno. @_@
.281. Bought something? Thursday night, at the cultural festival. Bought my meal ticket. :D
.282. Danced? Long time ago.
.283. Were sarcastic? Probably some time Friday during school.
.285. Talked to an ex? I dunno, does he even consider me an ex... :P
.286. Watched your fave movie? Don't have a favourite movie.
.287. Had a nightmare? Not for a very long time.
.288. Talked on the phone? If a five-second conversation counts, that was four hours ago, with my father.
.289. Listened to the radio? This morning.
.290. Watched TV? Mmmm. Friday. Watched some of the World Skating Championships.
.291. Went out? Thursday night, for that festival.
.292. Helped someone? Friday.
.293. Were mean? Friday. Was a bit harsh in my response.
.294. Sang? I'm humming...:D;;;
.295. Saw a movie? A...long time ago....
.296. Said I love you? Uh...dunno.
.297. Missed someone? Always.
.298. Fought with a family member? Everyday. XD
.299. Fought with a friend? Seriously? Never.
.300. Had a serious conversation? Probably Thursday. Political conversation = serious! :D
.301. Smoked weed? No thanks. It stinks (literally). :(
.302. Got drunk? No.
.303. Had sex? Abstinenceeeee! :D
While helping Markie with her dance report:
Ceci: ....................
Sakami: What o.o?
Ceci: why am I not surprised that "mexican hat dance history" turns up porn
Sakami: ......
Sakami: /sob /sob
Ceci: little girl lesbian porn, too T________T
Sakami: /sob/sob/sob/omg
Ceci: quite T___T
Sakami: ...
Sakami: I'm not surprised though.
Sakami: the shape of the sombrero..
Sakami: ....
Ceci: no!
Ceci: no!
Ceci: no!!!!
Sakami: XDD
Michael got into UBC! I'm suppose to "get [my] ass over there". XD
Courtesy of Dilbert Newsletter 54.0, Induhvidual stories/quotes:
(1) I was working at a small family-owned company. At an all-hands meeting, the pointy-haired president of the company (the founder's son) announced that he had added a new employee to the staff: his daughter. "Now, some people might accuse me of incest, but this is actually a good business decision." There was a long pause before one of us wretches asked: "Uh...don't you mean 'nepotism'?"
(2) Boss pep talk: "Last year we were like lambs. This year we are going to be sheep!"