It seems like everyone falls at the same time.
As soon as one person crumbles, it is almost like a sign for everyone to finally give up, let go, and fall.
[snip much blabbering]
I don't know, was just pondering why when things fall low, they fall to a *really* low point for everyone.
:D the news about savlon (well, news to me) Girls are so desperate to have a pretty face and a nice body in hopes of attracting someone, but you know what's funny? A lot of times, it's the *beautiful* and *slender* girls that you see alone on the streets. Surrounded by girls that aren't as physically attractive hanging onto their boyfriends, who are usually pretty good looking.
I've discussed this with several guy friends, and they all say that they prefer meat on their girls.
Makes me wonder what the hell girls are doing. XD
Though, for most girls it's not so much about what the guys think as what other girls think. Girls do tend to be insanely harsh on other girls (competitiiiiioooooon!). XD
Have I already wrote about this in another entry? I've debated this topic to death with my friends, so it feels like I'm just repeating myself over and over again.
Read a thread in the pOnju forum and was reminded.
Happy birthday,
cmstephens. *glomps* :3 It's not midnight here yet, I'm not late. XP
Oh man, I haven't "glomped" anyone long time ago. XD
....oh no, I left this open and now it's past 12:02. T_T;;; kay, I'm late. T_T;;;
pictures from the lab:
Edith and I got a kick out of this XDI found this really cute XD;;; "Me too!"There was this really funny picture, but I won't post it 'cause it involves this guy in the lab...XD Actually, it's probably not that funny to everyone else. XD;;;; Anyway.
From school:
Was playing around in school (baaad!). XD The book claims that it's Buddha, but...there' resemblance. Even if it -is- Buddha, it's not right! Buddha doesn't have that lily seat, or whatever it's called...(or at least I'm pretty sure no).
And just around:
The hill behind my house.One of the bridges going into downtown. Our downtown is quite...sad...XD
I am sitting here being unproductive. There is so much going on these days I have lost all motivation and will to actually, well. Do work.
I do not want to hear about scholarships and universities/colleges, it is frustrating. Especially when I have high school to catch up on and finish first.
That's it. See you.