(no subject)

Oct 19, 2008 16:01

"She digs those R's. I think she thinks there's oil in those R's, she is digging deep." Tina on Letterman, 17th October. (I also uploaded it here because it might not work for those overseas, bizarrely.)

What do Sandra Bullock and Tina Feylin have in common? Well, apart from being among my favourite people in the entire world, they also have the ability to make every. single. interview they ever do undeniably entertaining and hysterically funny, without fail.

Edit: Oh, Sarah Palin's hand-raising was so. awkward.
Edit II: Although: "Why can't we have done the 30 Rock sketch that I wrote?" "Honestly, not enough people know that show." was rather FTW (mainly due to Lorne). It's funny, 'cause it's true. And Alec brandishing his anti-Republican-ness right in her face, eek! He's brave.

Also, the second episode synopsis of 30 Rock sounds like Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella. Except Liz and Oprah obviously don't, you know, fall in love. (Though I'm getting some strange Liz/Gretchen/Lady Stedman flashbacks here.)

"[Leonardo DiCaprio] goes, 'Oh my God, you're in that movie Chopper! That's my favourite film, man!' And then he starts doing my lines to me. He does my Chopper lines! He's begging me to do Chopper lines for him, then he started doing them. And I was going, 'Stop, man. Your Australian accent's ridiculous. It's South African!"' ILU, Vince Colosimo.

The amazing gemmi_joo posted an equally amazing picspam of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button movie trailers, starring Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt, and the cinematography is breathtaking. GO LOOK PLEASE.

Quote of the week: "We've been gone for nine weeks, and in that time John McCain found, hunted and trapped a hillbilly vice-president. No need to stuff and mount her though, she's doing that fine on her own." I DIED. Oh, Good News Week, you're back. I MISSED YOU. Also: "They're hairy nuts." "And when they don't have hair on them, they're brazil nuts." FTW.

The ARIAs are on tonight and the only reason why I'm bothering to watch is because of the hosts. Priorities, yo. (Although I'm vaguely curious whether "Black and Gold" or "Sweet About Me" will take out Single of the Year.)

The Baz Luhrmann spread in the US Vogue made me die inside when I saw it. His kids look exactly like his wife, it's adorable. And the South Korean movie poster. FIVEWEEKSFIVEWEEKS.

(Also, can I just say how I didn't expect anyone to read my last post, but it turns out a lot of us are in the same boat or have the same fears, and it's really comforting to hear that we're not alone. So thank you for that; I mean it. ♥)

tv: good news week, people: cate blanchett, movie: australia, people: tina fey, people: hamish & andy, people: alec baldwin, tv: 30 rock, people: amy poehler

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