(no subject)

Oct 05, 2008 20:23


"Oh, are we not doing the talent portion?"

Also, her "no thank you!" (when asked whether she wanted to respond to Biden about McCain) was on par with Amy Brenneman's delivery of "Thank you! I like it!" as being the cutest. thing. ever.

Speaking of Amy, this. This is why I love Private Practice. "Your ass looks fantastic." "I know my ass looks fantastic. But thank you - for saying it, not for thinking that I don't have enough self-esteem to love my own ass."

Will You Buy What Tina Fey Is Selling? Evidently so. I went out of my way to buy Snapple-that-is-not-readily-available-here just because she HAD A MAN DRESSED UP AS A BOTTLE OF IT, WALKING OUT OF AN ELEVATOR. (I really need to upload that clip, because it's not on YouTube and it's fantastic.)

"Forget about the fact that Palin looks a lot like a really attractive TV star I know." It's rare that I skim Alec's blog but that was FTW. (He also made a really nice post about Paul Newman, but I digress.)

This is hilarious. And wrong. And disturbing. And hilarious. (Thanks for the link, jenncho!)

"We shouldn't have to justify our continued existence. Don't like the show? Surprised we're still on the air? Wondering how long we can stretch this sucker out? Too bad. Change the channel. No one's going to stop you." Wentworth, you own me. And that hypothetical concluding scene for the show? Brilliant. I'm serious. That would just be... oh, Jesus, I can't even find a word for it. Edit: And it's because I like torturing myself in the same paradoxical way that The Lake House messed with your mind. Not because it means that Michael might never have met Sara - although they totally would have because they are 4eva, yo - but because it's kind of full circle. (I don't know if ANY of this made sense, btw.)

And Catherine McClements was on the cover of The Sunday Age's M magazine holding a cake and that made me squee. Lots. (I really need to catch up on Rush, damn it.)

Lastly of all, it's my friend's 21st this Saturday so for a present, another friend and I bought twenty one pink things and put them together in a pink bag (can you guess her favourite colour?) and it's pretty bloody awesome if I do say so myself. But man, walking around the country's biggest shopping centre makes me so tiiiired.

Randomly; this song came on the radio today and washed me over in a wave of nostalgia from when I was nine years old. Don't you just love that?

people: tina fey, people: wentworth miller, people: amy brenneman, tv: private practice, people: alec baldwin, people: catherine mcclements, tv: prison break

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