I know Rove's not the most highbrow of interviewers, but
with Colin and Meryl? Surprisingly good. "No one wants to hear Dancing Queen seventy times in a row. They're very intolerant, my family." "So what did you have to do?" "I went into the closet." / "Colin, how much fun was it to bitch-slap Hugh Grant?" "Oh God, how much time have you got?" PRICELESS. I want to hug his face because it's so adorable and funny and gaaaah.
But Elmo is still one of my favourite Rove guests. "Elmo likes wasabi. That's why Elmo has no eyelids."
"Oh, you like grapefruit? I didn't know that, but I know I love you." I WANT TO MAKE THAT MY LIFE QUOTE OR SOMETHING. ILU SWC. (I wanted to run around like a headless chook flailing in all my flist's entries, but deemed that pointless and maybe even a bit annoying, so I resisted.) And seriously, it's almost annoying how eloquent Went is. Because when I flail about it all I'm making some sort of strangled noise, and here he is using fancy-schmancy words that should only be used in academic essays, like "definitive" and "prevalent" and it was only 9am. (And Sarah, too. No one uses five-syllable words, um, ever - let alone in the morning.)
That reminds me: a certain producer of a certain TV show said in regards to two certain characters and their relationship, they'll show what they can in a 9pm timeslot. What sort of regulations and guidelines has 9pm got in the US? I'm just curious and pervy.
On a music note, and as much as I've tried to fight it, I love Brian McFadden's new song. I YouTubed the video of him in his clown makeup and, argh, YouTube commenters scare me almost as much as the IMDB ones. Apparently they have a meshed-up name now: Brelta. WTF MY EARS ARE BLEEDING. Kiiiiill these peeeeeeople.
And since when have I liked a Kid Rock song? Then again, stranger things have happened.
Wicked in two days, omgyes.