(no subject)

Dec 10, 2010 21:22

I was going to quickly post "OHAI, I'm not dead, brief hiatus", but truth be told I'm so inconsistent with posting these days that it's not exactly a newsflash.

But, you know: brief hiatus. Am in Melbourne. Was going to do succinct bullet points but my sinuses are throbbing and I have a headache (WHY AM I GETTING SICK THIS IS A HOLIDAY DAMN IT) and my sister's keyboard is weird, so it'll wait until I'm back on the Gold Coast mid next week.

Just caught up on the flist. My fingers are numb so comment!fail, but I read everything!

I think The Boy has ordered something from the NBC store for me for Christmas. BLAMMO. Cec out! (For now. Until a proper update next week. In which I'll have forgotten everything I was going to write about but hey, story of my life!) Stay well! ♥

life: melbourne

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