(no subject)

Nov 25, 2010 17:23

Hurrah, sun! I don't usually make the habit of talking about the weather, but yesterday was nutty. Morning (when I take Millie the Puppy for a walk): cold, windy, rainy. Mid-morning: bright and sunny. Mid-afternoon: suddenly raining once more. Evening: fine. WTF, I felt like I was back in Melbourne again.

Speaking of, we're going back next Thursday for a week: CUE EXCITEMENT. I don't know, recently I've been really missing home and having this trip to look forward to has really kept me sane sometimes. Thankfully Christmas is soon after that, then New Year's... hopefully enough to keep me afloat.

Old news, but the day Will and Kate announced their engagement, Channel 9 aired a one-hour special that night. How long had they kept that thing in their files? I can imagine the TV execs now. "Guys, surely they're going to announce it soon?" (Am I sad for watching the last fifteen minutes? Shuddup, I just really, really liked that navy dress!)

I would be excited for the Christmas episode of 30 Rock, except for THAT PERSON. Who should not be at that reunion. (I'm too lazy to do a cut so hence the crypticness.) Argh.

Thoughts to the miners killed in New Zealand yesterday. (For those who aren't aware, 29 miners were trapped underground like in Chile, but rescuers couldn't get to them because of toxic gases. Right before they were about to go in a rescue them, the mine exploded, killing the miners.) I keep creeping myself out with thoughts of whether they were actually alive down there, waiting to be rescued, or if some had died, or if they had all starved or something. How morbid of me.

Sandra Bullock Revealed was on E! yesterday, and just happened to flick over to it. Only caught from Miss Congeniality 2 onwards, so therefore missed Speed (but then there was a bit on The Lake House so it's okay.) Also included divorce and baby... gosh, they update those things fast!

THEREFORE, GIF JUST BECAUSE I CAN. Also, I commented on ineffort's journal the other day with it and basically need to use it again. Any excuse, people, any excuse.


That's a good note to end an entry on, amirite? So, I leave you here. Cec out.

Edit: Forgot to say, I made showed The Boy Tina Fey's acceptance speech for the Mark Twain Award for American Humor. Me: "Thank you for watching it, I know others probably wouldn't be so interested." Him: "No, it was good! I really enjoy Tina Fey." Me: "SAY THAT IN ANOTHER CONTEXT." Him: "Oh, ha ha ha."

people: tina fey, tv: 30 rock, people: sandra bullock, people: keanu and sandra, life: gold coast

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