(no subject)

Sep 20, 2010 17:28

I don't know how I haven't made a proper entry for months. Like, I mean to... and then I don't. Who procrastinates LJ posting, I ask? (I think I used posting as uni procrastination, and now that I'm not at uni anymore, I've shifted my procrastination. I'm odd, clearly.)

I have been reading, however! You may have received the odd comment from me, although I've been a bit quiet on that front too. Except I haven't flisted in 48 hours because hey, I'm actually in Melbourne for a few days and Melbourne usually consists of me running around like a headless chook trying to catch up with everyone and see everything.

A post will come when I get back mid-week, I promise. I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE THIS. But I just wanted to let you know I'm still breathing.

(It's funny, when one of my flisters would stop posting for a few months I'd sort of not realise they hadn't posted, and then automatically think they've not been around. But I have been around, I swear. Just muted.)

I'll leave you with a West Highland Terrier pup, because we (well, The Boy's family) are getting one soon (and this post needs to be more interesting)! ISSOCUTE.

A puppy suddenly makes a post better, methinks. Hee.

general life

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