(no subject)

Jun 17, 2009 11:32

Saw Avenue Q on Friday night and gleeee. Awesomeawesomeawesome. The cast sounded exactly like the original one, I kid you not, and Michala Banas? I have something of a girlcrush on her now. I didn't know she could sing - like, really sing. So Melburnians, if you get the chance, hop to it!

And I saw The Proposal which I was super-excited about because the last movie Sandy B was in was Premonition yeeeears ago and this type of movie is what she does best. (If you didn't know, Sandra Bullock is one of my most favourite women people in the entire world, along with Cate Blanchett and Tina Fey. My love for her has no bounds.) Plus, Ryan Reynolds takes off his shirt so that's a bonus.

I was flicking through the school magazine of The Boy's primary school and saw Andy Lee's ten-year reunion picture, hee. That made me cheerful.

Omigod, they're making a Tomorrow When The War Began movie? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS? It's going to be oh-so-difficult to adapt, but if they do it right, it'll be amazing. (And they're making a Wog Boy 2. Necessary? Idk.)

Had a really hellish day yesterday with work (they were threatening to fire me over something that hadn't happened in the first place, but finally the MD calmed down and realised he was at fault, not me) and the only thing that kept me going was the thought of hip hop that night. We did a routine to Single Ladies and chucked in some of the now-classic moves and it was so hilarious.

BWAHA! Have you guys heard Mariah Carey's new song Obsessed? In the beginning she says, "And I was like, why are you so obsessed with me?" SHE STOLE TINA'S DIALOGUE I AM SO AMUSED. (Meanwhile, the song is generic and un-Mariah but it's... catchy and danceable? And Brett Ratner's directing the video again, so that'll be interesting. Make Wentworth be in it again.)

And Rove and Tasma got married. Yay! I'm really happy for them both.

movie: misc, life: theatre, people: hamish & andy, movie: mean girls, people: sandra bullock, people: rove

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