(no subject)

Jun 10, 2009 20:35

Back. (Like that wasn't obvious.) Had a fantastic time; ate out lots, talked gemmi_joo's ear off (as is becoming habit now), played on the Wii lots and now have an aching bicep and WATCHED MY TEAM WIN THE MOTHER EFFIN' FOOTY. (We almost didn't. I almost had a heart attack. True story.)

I do miss the weather though, as it was Cec's Most Favourite Weather Ever: 23°C/74°F, sunny 'n' cloudless, little humidity. Perfect, y/y? Now I'm back home, I wake up this morning and it's white outside. Which might not seem strange to Europeans and North Americans, BUT IT DOES NOT SNOW HERE AND THIS IS FAR FROM NORMAL. Weeeeell, it wasn't really snow per se, but really thick frost that I could still roll into balls (therefore, my logic = practically snow). WTF.

What shits me to pieces though is that it's about 5°C/40°F and people here just don't dress properly for it. When I'm in Sweden and it's that cold, people wear coats! Scarves! Hats! Gloves! Here, they wear a jumper and think that's adequate - and then whine when they're bloody freezing. Argh.

AAAANYWAY. In the last week I've seen so many ads for Chicago and Beyonce, by which I'm convinced is the TV mocking me because I have tickets for both shows but can't go. Buuuut it's being made up to me because I'M GOING TO BRITNEY IN NOVEMBER AKSJHAKDJSJK BRB HYPERVENTILATING.

Also, Weeeeeeeds came back! I got my hit of Nancy-Pants and Andy and Doug and jeepers, Shane is old.

And it's old news now, but Geoffrey Rush + Tony's = FTW. Literally. The Boy and I whooped when he won, and whooped some more when he said hi to Fed Square in his speech. Yay! (Simple pleasures, y'know?)

Aaaaaand... yeah, that's it, hee. ♥ Hope you've all been well!

tv: weeds, general life, life: theatre, life: holiday, music: britney, people: geoffrey rush, life: afl

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