(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 15:04

OH HAI. Somehow I haven't updated in two weeks. Not sure how that happened, but I'd promised tearcreek and gemmi_joo that I would. So here I am.

Everyone's been doing it, and I was tagged donkey's years ago by comedy_emsy, so I just accumulated them all into one entry. Just 'cause.

The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day. Tag 8 people to do the same.

Day One: [17th April]
Saw the latest Cirque Du Soleil offering, Dralion. OMG. AMAZING. Pretended I was a kid and had great glee in buying pink and blue fairy floss in a bucket.

Day Two: 18th April
Maaaaassive day. Double dance lessons in the morning, then The Boy was having a barbeque because our footy team was playing his best mate's (we played so shit though, argh), then went to the Good News Week show which was awesome, then rushed to a friend's 21st.

Day Three: 19th April
Went to see Raymond Crowe's show at the Atheneum and whilst he's more of an illusionist than a comedian, it was great fun. The Boy (who's half-Italian) agreed that the gnocchi I had for dinner was the best we've ever had.

Day Four: 20th April
I had crumpets for breakfast. That's pretty much all I got. (Nothing terribly good happened today, admittedly.)

Day Five: 21st April
I did a complete overhaul of the dance studio's enrolment system. The owner now loves me. Also? Hip hop tonight was awesome.

Day Six: 22nd April
Saw Sammy J's musical comedy show and omg, epic. His was one of my absolute favourites last year and this year's was just as brilliant. (Seriously, watch this 3-minute clip. It's hysterical.)

Day Seven: 23rd April
Went to one of my favourite streets for lunch. Had the studio frantically call me because one of the dance teachers was sick, so the other teacher and I combined the two kids' classes and thankfully it went pretty well.

Day Eight: 24th April
Seeing the ventriloquist Nina Conti tonight (of whom I have something of a girlcrush on) and I'm tremendously excited. I saw her last year (see this? AWES) and apparently this year's show is great too. ajkdhskdjs.

I have to admit, thinking about the government stimulus packages makes me want to cry. Because of a loophole, some students are eligible for both payments, but I get absolutely nothing. Man, if my degree was six months longer this wouldn't be an issue. I could make that $1850 go a long, long way, KRudd. *sobs* Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and whining. Sorry.

I swear I've been reading everything on the flist, just that I haven't had time to go and comment on everything. I was thinking this might change, but I'm beginning to see that it probably isn't. So on that note, feel free to defriend me if we don't communicate or have anything in common anymore. I'll probably do a cut eventually, but this is preliminary because I'm dreading doing a cut myself, so this is a cop-out. ;) No hard feelings; it's all good.

I feel slihtly disconnected from a lot of you (my fault entirely) and I've realised I've never posted a poll before. THIS CHANGES NOW. (Plus, this entry is deadly boring.)


(I love you too.)

And I still haven't watched 30 Rock yet. Sniff.

general life, life: comedy festival, memes: 8 happy things

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