(no subject)

Apr 10, 2009 00:09

baa-aack! I am... sort of caught-up with the flist. Kind of. Not really. A little bit. (So excuse me if I holler at you, "I DID NOT KNOW THIS, TELL ME MORE?" in a week.)

Queensland was lovely, as usual. I'm still stunned at how amazing the apartment is. And how The Boy and I felt no need to murder each other at any point over the week. (I also introduced him to 30 Rock, hurrah!) And how gemmi_joo isn't mad at me because I'd promised another catch-up lunch and then bailed due to unforeseen circumstances. (I'm emailing you tomorrow, k?)

Good Friday ticked over as of sixteen minutes ago. The Boy and I are going to eat fish and chips in a lame attempt to do the eat-fish-on-Good-Friday thing but really just wanting to eat junk food. And I bought sixteen more hot cross buns and will have carb-filled fun with those whilst attempting to watch the fifty hours (approximately) of TV in which I'm behind in.

If I don't get to say it to you otherwise, I hope you have a lovely Easter/That Special Time of Year To Stuff Yourself With Chocolate/A Time That You Don't Do Anything Special For, whatever tickles your fancy. *grin*

More later. When I have things to, you know, say.

life: holiday

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