National Day of Mourning.
Who watched the ceremony? (And which one of the channels did you watch it on? Ha.) When Bruce Woodley came onstage and had added two more verses to I Am Australian I almost cried because it was so incredible. Although I think Charles should have flown out here instead of Princess Anne, but hey, minor detail.
On a happier note, Hugh is doing his thang tomorrow, huzzah. (Don't think I'm gonna be able to watch the show, but what else is YouTube for, right?)
Went to the first footy match of the season (well, technically the pre-season) on Friday and we thrashed North Melbourne 123-70, huzzah. (And we walked past Andy and Megan, hee!) The Boy is fanatical about my football team and so I have a feeling I'm going to be going to a lot of matches this year. Which is always awesome. I'm pissed off though, because my uni graduation is on the same night as the highly-anticipated Round 1 match. And I know, I know, getting my degree > football, BUT I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO GO. ARGH.
I want to assume everyone has seen
this video before, but it hasn't got many views so maybe not? It's the shooting of Michael and Sara's first scene and hahaha, Wentworth was too insinuating in his first deliveryyyyy. Bless him.
And that meme I've been poked with twice, which I better do now or else I never will...
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given. Please actually say if you want them or else I won't!
cnnjunky gave me:
Missy Higgins. You know she's fantastic and supremely talented, don't you? (Seriously, if you don't, tell me and I'll be more than happy to show you.) The Boy's sister goes to her former high school and we walked past one of the buildings and he goes, "See there? That's where she wrote most of The Sound of White." And I squeed.
Sara Tancredi. There's just something about red-haired doctors, right? What else to say, SHE'S JUST SARA, DAMN IT. AWESOME.
30 Rock Squee Yeah, I do this a lot. Especially since I've found less things to squee about for my other previously-squeed-over shows. I can't help it and I know it gets repetative, so I'm sorry.
Melbourne is better than Sydney. Oh, the age-old debate that will never see a conclusion. How to explain this without pissing any Sydneysiders off? Because I love Sydney as a tourist, I do... I just much prefer living here. But each to their own, right? Right!
Chick flicks. I want movies to make me feel happy, not depressed. However I've found a lot recent (i.e. last few years) chick flicks have been all very Hollywood-generic and I haven't enjoyed them as much. Meh.
xshorty24x gave me:
Private Practice. It gets a lot of undeserved flak. Storylines are not the greatest things ever, but the cast - OH, THE CAST. Seriously.
Sandra/Keanu. OTP OTP OTP. If you want, I can tell you why. I'm serious, there is so much depth to them that other insinuated!fun!RPS don't have. It kills me to think the way history played itself out. And now I'm sounding like a loony, aren't I?
Australia. (country or movie... or both haha) Ha indeed. Yeah, I'm patriotic. Who isn't? And I'm a Baz Luhrmann fanatic. I'll love anything that man does. Put them together? Love.
Comedians. I'm a self-confessed comedy show whore. The Melbourne International Comedy Festival, which many of you heard me gush about last year, is on again in April and I can't wait, omigod. Actually, I went to a practice run show tonight with the proceeds going to the Red Cross, and it was tons of fun.
And I've been majorly sucking at commenting lately due to lack of time (OMG I AM SO BEHIND IN TV, YO), but I promise I've read every entry! And so many of my flisters are/have been sick, awww. I'll give you all my Super Magical Healing Virtual Pills.