(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 22:27

$102 million raised for the fire victims so far, guys. That's beyond amazing. And the telethon last night! (Haha, Orlando Bloom going, "RAC...V?") Keith and Nicole gave $500,000, and Anthony LaPaglia and Michael Buble $50,000 each. Little kids ringing up and donating their entire savings. It's really touching stuff. Sadly, though, one of my friends (who I just went on holiday with) lost two other friends to the fires, and the total houses lost has risen to 1800.

The sun was bright red tonight from the smoke and ash. Like, really pretty but for the wrong reasons, you know? And it smells smokey outside. There's currently 3500 firefighters still battling out there, including those from New Zealand, Canada and the US.

Anyway, sorry to keep talking about the fires but it's kind of hard to escape.

Really want to watch Grey's/Private Practice but alas, it'll download overnight. (And Amy B on Ellen? Hilarious.) In the meantime, there is 30 Rock.

30 Rock, 3x11 "St Valentine's Day"

1. "Morning, regular person Lemon." I LOVE HIM.

2. Sorry Jack, but the world's greatest dessert is Prinsesstårta. Or pavlova.

3. HA HA HA @ the blind chick playing Jack McBrayer's wife in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

4. "Elisa is deeply religious." "If I had those knockers, I'd be thanking God too."

5. I didn't know putting doughnuts in the microwave was a thing - 'cause I do that all the time. After smothering it with Nutella first, too.

6. "I can fake enthusiasm when I need to. Hey, that scarf is fun!" "Thanks! I found it in Dunkin'... wait a minute." JACK'S FACE. CLASSIC.

7. Ha, I totally thought Liz was going to do the Laura-Linney-in-Love-Actually thing of having a silent ecstatic fit around the corner when she excused herself from her couch.

(Yeah, that would have been slightly more dignified than the toilet thing.)


9. I LOVE GRIZZ AND DOT COM. "I found it on my favourite website, Stop Showing Off Dot Com." And I think my favourite bit in the entire episode (bar Jack's confessions) was: "Man, can you believe we're working Valentine's night? My finacee is gonna be upset." "Not to worry, I sent her flowers and a beautiful card." "You're the best."

10. Yeah, I won't lie. I was fairly happy when Jack and Elisa had their fight.

11. "Kenneth, why do you suddenly sound white?" (OH MY GOD, JENNIFER. YOU CAN'T JUST ASK PEOPLE WHY THEY SOUND WHITE.)

12. I will not mention how Jack stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Liz and Drew through the Maccas' window. No, I will not.

I get the consensus that people didn't like this episode as much, but I really enjoyed it. I LOL'd plenty of times, which didn't happen much last week. Although I feel like any Valentine's-theme episode needs a recurring Rachel Dratch and "Happy Valentimes!" I'm just saying.

And a massive happy birthday to my dear ink_and_quill! How time has flown, eh? As for the rest of you, hope you have an enjoyable 14th February. Whatever it is that may happen. I refuse to use the V-word. (Having said that, the boy is taking me out for teppanyaki and then we're going to watch Mean Girls and whatever else we deem fun. I point-blank told him 'nothing else' because I hate it. Yay, anti-commercialism. So it's just basically a night out which I find more acceptable.)

life: melbourne, tv: 30 rock

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