Part one of several, I'm thinking. Please tell me about any mistakes, this in unbeta'd!
Lithuania awoke to a wide, open white space. He tried to get up and was stopped by a sharp pain in his head and momentary darkness. He cursed softly.
“Finally awake?!” boomed a too familiar voice with a cackle. “I was wonderin’ how long you’d be out, princess!” Lithuania winced as his head throbbed.
“Ugh. Where are we?” He asked at a reasonable volume.
“No idea!” The Prussian exclaimed loudly. Lithuania’s head throbbed again.
“I’m right here you know,” He bit, “no need to yell.” Prussia laughed. Lithuania face palmed.
“Kesesesesese! If I talk any quieter you can’t hear my awesome echo!” He shouted, and indeed, his voice bounced back from some far-off, invisible walls.
It was sudden, the world turned sideways and the two Nations (or rather, Nation and not-quite-human-not-quite-Nation) toppled into each other, Lithuania landing with his back on the new ground, with Prussia awkwardly straddling him. They each cursed in their respective language.
“G-get off.” Lithuania coughed, trying to push the Prussian away.
“I can’t, dipshit!” Prussia hissed. “There’s something behind me!”
“Are you kidding-“Lithuania started, but the world changed directions again and he was crotch-to-crotch with Prussia on his back in front of him.
“Fuck!” The red-eyed man yelped, jumping away quickly. Lithuania couldn’t decide whether to be embarrassed or amused. He was spared the decision by the world twisting once more. This time their lips met.
“AUGH NASTY!” screamed Prussia, spitting. “You taste like that freaking blond bitch of yours!”
“Excuse me? Feliks is not-! “The cube they were apparently in shrunk and they were pressed painfully into each other, knees and elbows digging into stomachs. Both let out strangled cries of pain.
“Your knee is fucking sha- FUCK!” cried Prussia as they were turned sideways and suddenly all of Lithuania’s weight was on top of him. The brunet had to fight the urge to smirk. The Prussian squirmed, coughing weakly. Lithuania shifted and was satisfied when Prussia grunted, gritting his teeth together.
“Sorry,” said Lithuania without meaning it.
“Get off you-!” The world flipped again and expanded, sending them both sprawling away from each other. Lithuania had the breath knocked out of him. He sat up slowly, cradling his pounding head.
“What the fuck is this place, huh?!” Prussia yelled at the ceiling, only answered by his own echo. He looked around for something to kick, and only seeing Lithuania, chose him. The Lithuanian yelped.
“Asshole! What the hell was that for?” Lithuania cried, pushing himself to his feet.
“God, quit whining you pussy! I didn’t kick you that hard!” Prussia replied, cackling. Lithuania shoved him.
“Can’t you ever shut up?” Prussia pushed him on to his back. Lithuania snarled at him. Prussia took this as a challenge and stepped on his stomach. The man below him grunted in pain.
The world shifted again; as if aware they’d both forgotten where they were. They were thrown together, Lithuania in an awkward upside-down spread eagle, and Prussia splayed out beneath him, bending at painful angles. He appeared to have hit his head, losing consciousness.
Lithuania cursed his bad luck as the world flipped, and Prussia landed limply on top of him. Everything twisted a couple more times, and suddenly he and Prussia were deposited on to soft carpet. Lithuania looked up to see a giggling Hungary and an irritated looking Poland.
Poland helped Lithuania up, throwing a glare in Hungary’s direction. “C’mon, Liet.” He said. “Let’s like, go home.”
So guys, if I write more, which characters should it be? As many as four is all I could handle, I think. Please leave suggestions or opinions in the comments!