I'll meet you in the unemployment line

Mar 10, 2009 12:11

Day 2 of IHNTD@WE was pretty much a precursor for Day 3. Mild pranks played on random individuals. Post-its on mice preventing mouse movement, tape over phone hammers preventing answering your phone, emails and faxes FROM THE FUTUUURRREEE [cue: ominous music] - all of which led up to the master of all plans (at least this side of Northeast Corridor, or at least on this floor of this particular building, or not at all...whichever). End Result? Everyone gets pizza! Paid for by Mr. Bigshot School Director.

Various pictures were taken in his [Mr. Bigshot School Director] office this morning before he gets in [note: I have a Grand Master (YES THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE OFFICIALLY CALLED) key] of key items such as his stapler, his fish tank, his pen holder, his tape dispenser, mouse and pad, etc. The pictures were then sent to an email address and stored. We decided to stick with non-essential things to remove - the stapler, tape dispenser, and his pen holder. A ransom note was then compiled, very carefully, by yours truly, demanding that 3 Large pizzas be delivered to the Learning Resource Center by exactly 1:38 PM or his precious office supplies would face an unsightly demise. The message was carefully delivered right under his nose around 9:30 this morning. All day he's been trying to figure it out - who's behind the master scheme? Of course, while he's running around pointing fingers, my trusty accomplice has been taking various pictures of the three items in shoddy environments with speech bubbles drawn next to them 'Help Us' 'Don't let them hurt us' etc. and sending them to him from what appears to be his own email address.
This is perfect because every time this happens I make sure that I am in the kitchen, or out back, or in the computer lab so it doesn't look like it's me. He spent about 15 minutes trying to get our receptionist to talk (convince at the moment it was her) which is a double win cause I'm not too fond of our receptionist.

25 minutes later:
The pizza was delicious BUT the plot thickens!
Mr. Bigshot School Director had posted signs up in the LRC, where the pizza was delivered to, stating that anyone that took pizza agrees to work on Saturday! Of course, nobody noticed these signs cause pizza is awesome. And who's really paying attention to their surroundings?
Normally I'd be like FUCK NO but
This gives me ample opportunity to have access to his office when he's not in the building...
Foiled? Plastic Wrap? Adjustable chair hi-jinks? We shall see...

Oh and for those of you wondering, the office supplies are being returned as we speak through a chain of individuals passing them from one individual to the next.
I'd say this was a bittersweet victory. Especially since he still thinks the receptionist was in on it.
And especially since she obviously failed at trying to rat us out.

Until next time...

AHAHAHA EDIT: The note that volunteered anyone who ate pizza to come into work on Saturday has a MAJOR TYPO! Mr. Bigshot School Director needs to learn to choose his allies better as he had Trusty Receptionist type up the note for him! Unfortunately for him, the 'terrorists' as we have been lovingly referred to at this point, have officially won as Trusty Receptionist dated it for Saturday 3/14/08 and NOT 3/14/09. [Thank you to my trusty accomplice for meticulously analyzing the document and discovering the fatal flaw of the 'contract'!]

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