
Dec 26, 2010 13:42

Now that I've done my boxing day shopping - I came home with disheveled hair (from being pushed by the crowds) and angsty (because I'm officially broke) - I can finally write this:

I'd like to say: wweeeeeeeeeeee!!

Yuletide has been awesome.

I received two full length Petshop of Horrors stories and they were both awesome.

Return to sender - is from my Yuletide writer and omg did it make me laugh. Features Leon writing letters to D and considering whether he should buy a thesaurus because he was running out of curse words. It's so Leon - and so utterly adorable. D is this story is just simply lovable.

Hospital Flowers
- I could see this happening, because Leon is reckless and D... wouldn't be able to stay away. It's gentle and so lovely.

So how lucky am I? I love this manga, but this is the first time I've ventured into the fandom - and what a happy experience.

I know that there is a very slim chance that any of you have heard of this manga, but if you have - go and read :)

If anyone's bored and has time on their hands, go read the manga.

My story is also out there. I was a bundle of nerves yesterday (this being my first fic exchange and all), but I'm totally hyper today.

Other Yuletide stories are HERE, sorted by fandom.
I'll guarantee there's a fandom there you'll want to read from. Yuletide is specifically for those small fandoms that hardly get fics written for - so what a treat!


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