80 / 150
I am now in leg 2 of 4 for OMWF (also known as "Act II"). So my goal is the halfway point of the novel, or 150 pages. I'm on 80 (because you can't just read the little meter...). Woo!
I realized I wasn't going to get a thing done now that school is out (writing-wise) if I didn't bother getting up like I did during the year, which was, yanno, kind of early. Not going to be fantatical about page count; I'd like to have Act II finished by July 1, but we'll see, with that nebulous job hunt still occurring, etc.
The other thing is I simply MUST copy-edit. I'm on contract with Double Dragon E-Books for a stinking LONG sci-fi novel and they need it back by August 1. I am not as far along as I should be and so I need to spend a lot of time on that in the next couple weeks. I know I have the time to get it done just fine, it's the discipline, man. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan, which I thought would make it easy to copy-edit because then I didn't have to worry about getting sucked into it, which has been true to a fault. I'm not a fan of sci-fi, so I haven't felt like working on it at all! My fault. It's coming, just slowly. I need to disconnect from the intermawebthingy and that will help. With the weather becoming nice, perhaps I shall take the laptop somewhere out of wireless range and crack that open. :-D
Also, in other writing news, I have settled on my post-OMWF project, called SSY. (I am so creative with my titles, no?) Because I have OMWF plotted out (at least, the part I'm working on) I just need to WRITE it, so I'm currently doing prework for SSY. Good thing of it, too, because there is a stinking LOT of prework for this thing. It's straight fantasy and it's kind of huge. I am really looking forward to it; I have a very vivid cast of characters already in my head. The OMWF gang is wonderful but SSY's crew is speshul somehow. Perhaps because I can hear them already in my head and I'm so very early in the process? Probably. You'll be hearing bits about SSY in the future.
Also - I am attempting to go to Kenya for two weeks or so in November (including travel time) to work in an orphanage. Does anyone have any fundraising ideas for me? The team I'm with would like to buy our plane tickets ASAP but money is slow coming in. We're going through a missions organization called Kids Alive! International, so we're sending out letters to raise support and we'll be doing car washes and yard work, but... we kind of need more money now rather than later. Anybody have experience with this sort of thing?