Tweeted today:

Dec 12, 2008 07:14

  • 08:07 blogged: The Friendship #
  • 09:10 Making brisket. Was supposed to start yesterday. But cooking 1st time now, and then finishing later. Hopefully will be just as good. #
  • 09:16 @ SaharaDamore Oh, yeah! I love when they say that! We're on Storm Watch people! We might get...a...drizzle. #
  • 13:10 paperwork. #
  • 15:30 Happy Holidays, and a discount code! #
  • 16:50 is craving bread. #
  • 18:35 @ miSPA I cast on, but haven't gotten further - it's been a little busy here! (*yay*) #
  • 18:35 @ SaharaDamore I'm busting out my winter gear! #
  • 18:41 So weird: I opened a biz email just now that looks almost exactly like the 1 I sent 2 weeks ago. Yet, I doubt they are copying me. #
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