Tweeted today:

Dec 11, 2008 07:13

  • 07:49 hot cream of wheat is good fun. #
  • 10:09 blogged: Okay, Knitters: I need you. #
  • 10:43 @ miSPA Thanks for the link - I've been thinking about that, or 2 circulars. Might try this, thanks! #
  • 10:43 @ sbonnin Oh, I HATE this! #
  • 10:44 @ sbonnin I think I'm going to try @miSPA 's idea - magic loop. I tried everything else. #
  • 12:54 @ justjenn At least you don't have to buy a timeshare. Unless you're listening to CARPET choices for the timeshare. Then, you're on your own. #
  • 12:56 needs a Venti. #
  • 12:59 really, there's nothing better than knowing the end is so close I can sit on my ass if I want to. #
  • 13:18 @ Delight_com I love mine. #
  • 14:21 @ miSPA Oh good. I have 29" circs I can try when I rip this out. #
  • 14:21 This is getting to be an expensive Hanukkah season. Almost done shopping though. #
  • 17:38 @ justjenn Ah! Silly Dinner. We know it well. #
  • 19:56 thermostat is effed up, so no heat tonight. Don't ask. Brrr. Just, Brrr. #
  • 06:29 trying 2 decide whether 2 send out another newsletter reminder that Monday is the last day 2 order, but feel like I've been blasting them :/ #
  • 07:00 @ sbonnin Oooh. Good thinking! #
  • 07:06 @ betzwhite lather, rinse, repeat. #
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