
Jun 25, 2010 09:14

Vljudno vas vabimo na predavanje "Zgodovina elektronske in eksperimentalne glasbe v Afriki in Aziji", vsestranskega veganskega ustvarjalca, glasbenika in producenta Cedrika Fermonta, ki se bo zgodilo 2.julija 2010 ob 19.uri v prostorih Ljudmile, na Rimski ulici 8 v Ljubljani.

Predavanje, ki bo podkrepljeno z zvočnimi primeri, se bo dotaknilo nastanka elektronske in eksperimentalne glasbe v Aziji in Afriki. Četudi zgodovino elektronske in eksperimentalne večinoma povezujemo z Zahodno kulturo, zasledimo zgodnje zvočne eksperimente že leta 1944 v Egiptu (Halim El-Dabh), v Izraelu l.1957 (Shalhevet Freier), Turčiji l.1959 (Ilhan Mimaroglu), leta 1963 v Indoneziji (Slamet Abdur Sjukur), l.1965 v Iranu (Alireza Mashayekhi) itn.

Kot rezultat Cedrikovega dolgoletnega raziskovanja izvora underground elektronske, noise, eksperimentalne in elektro-akustične glasbe, zbiranja biografij, dokumentov in zvočnih zapisov, nastaja material za knjigo, ki bo izdana v prihodnjih letih.

Cedrik Fermont, sicer lastnik belgijske založbe Syrphe Records, se je na svoji neskončni svetovni turneji srečeval z umetniki in ustvarjalci iz vsega sveta ter sodeloval pri različnih projektih eksperimentalne, industrial in ambientalne glasbe, kot so Ambre, Ammo, Axiome, Dead hollywood Stars, Xingu Hill. Pri založbi Syrphe je izšlo nekoliko albumov, na katerih se pojavljajo izvajalci iz afriških, bližnjevzhodnih in azijskih dežel kot so Iran, Tunizija, Alzirija, Singapur,itd.

več o avtorju in projektih:



We would like kindly to invite you to the lecture "The history of electronic and experimental music in Africa and Asia", by multifaced vegan artist, composer, musician and producer Cedrik Fermont, that will be held on 2.7 2010 at 7 p.m. on Ljudmila, Rimska 8 in Ljubljana.

The lecture (followed by sound samples) will present the origins of electronic and experimental music in Africa and Asia. Although the history of experimental and electronic music is mostly associated with the Western culture, we can find early sound experiments already in 1944 in Egypt (Halim El-Dabh), 1957/Israel (Shalhevet Freier), 1959/Turkey (Ilhan Mimaroglu), 1963/Indonesia (Slamet Abdur Sjukur) , 1965/ Iran (Alireza Mashayekhi), etc..

The result of many years of research will be the book containing all the materials and informations collected during that period. The book will be released in the near future.

Cedrik Fermont, the label manager of the Belgian Syrphe Records, has met on his "never ending" world tour many artists from all around the world and participated in various experimental projects of industrial and ambient music, such as Ambre, Ammo, Axiome, Hollywood Dead Stars, Xingu Hill. Syrphe records released several albums and compilations with artists from African, Middle East and Asian countries such as Iran, Tunisia, Algeria, Singapore, etc..

more info about the author and his projects:

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