Clickity clank, clickity clank, The money goes into my piggy bank"- 50 cent

Mar 08, 2005 01:15

sup every havent acctually written in this thing for awhile so here is how my lifes been... last Fri. i got a 2005 F-150 Lariot which is fuckin awesome as hell and that night i drove to dat girl Bianca;s house and chilled with her for a couple of hours then i went home. Sat. i had work in the morning then that day i chilled at brets and that night me, bret and calvin went to this dudes party which was fun. then Sunday, I hung out at bret's with grant, shaun, Nando, and Ty and we played capture the flag (shows how much of a life we have) And that night i was supposed to chill with someone but um that certain someone had to have "Family Time" not to mention ne names.. Today i chilled with Bret, shaun, grant, and ty all day and then me, Bianca, and Bret went to the movies and saw "Constantine" which confused the shit outta me and Bianca. but then we went back to Bret's house and hung out then i took her home. I had a Blast hangning out with Bret, Bianca, Shaun, Grant, Calvin, Nando, Ty, And Nik this weekend expecially Monday night it was a lot of fun. but yeah thats bout it...

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