(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 00:21

01.) Name:: Cory
02.) Middle Name:: Robert

03.) DOB:: December 10, 1986
04.) Age:: 18

05.) Location:: Cypress

06.) Eye Color:: Blue

07.) Hair Color:: Brown

08.) Hair Length:: short

09.) Height:: 6 ft ?

10.) Shoe Size:: 10.5

11.) Glasses or Contacts:: neither

12.) Braces:: NOpe

13.) Single or Taken:: Single

14.) Bad Habits:: bitin my nails, talking back, Smoking, and cursing

15.) Fears:: Frogs, snakes and spiders

16.) Screen Name:: Cdavis12345

::_**_:: School ::_**_::

17.) Where Do You Go to School:: Cy-Fair
18.) Whats Your School Mascot:: bobcats
19.) Whats Your School Colors:: maroon and white
20.) Whats Your Favorite Subject:: Foods

21.) Whos Your Favorite Teacher:: Mrs. Cogburn(last year)
22.) What Do They Teach:: Ebglish
23.) Who Sits Next to You In Math Class:: I dont have a math class

::_**_:: Love Life ::_**_::

24.) Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: no

25.) If So, Whats There Name::

26.) If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: Do i have to spell out "No" 4 u
27.) Do You Have a Crush:: yup
28.) Do They Know:: yup
29.) Have You Ever Broken Someones Heart:: yeh..unfortunatly
30.) Have You Ever Had Your Heart Broken:: yeah

::_**_:: Favorites ::_**_::

31.) Animal:: sloths
32.) Color:: Blue- everything including my truck is blue
33.) Person:: all my homies
34.) Subject:: Foods
35.) Season:: summer
36.) Holiday:: X-mas
37.) Hobby:: Chillin with my friends
38.) Sport:: Soccer
39.) Feeling:: Knowing i have a caring family and great friends
40.) Saying:: "i could give 2 shits less" and "trippin balls"
41.) Word:: fo'shank
42.) Month:: December..xmas and bday and new years
43.) Clothing:: AE
44.) Jewelry:: Dont wear Jewelry
45.) Food:: Pizza
46.) Snack:: Teddy Grahms
::_**_:: Friends ::_**_::

47.) Best:: that i have many.

48.) Daringest:: Me
49.) Funniest:: ryan sowa "calvin"
50.) Tallest:: Me
51.) Shortest:: Bret
52.) Loudest:: ha Me
53.) Shyest:: um..idk
54.) Smartest:: Me lol jk idk..
55.) Blondest:: BIANCA

56.) Craziest:: EVERY ONE OF MY HOMIES
57.) Nicest:: Fernando and Grant
58.) Sweetest:: Me, bret and shaun
59.) Weirdest:: Fernando and justin
60.) Flirtest:: Grant and I

::_**_:: Have You Ever ::_**_::

61.) Had a Wish Come True:: yeh
62.) Had a Dream Come True:: yeh
63.) Broken a Body Part:: my left middle finger twice and the side of my hand in 5 places
64.) Fallin’ in Love:: yeh
65.) Done Something You Regret:: YUP
66.) Tripped and Fell in Public:: HAHAHA YEH
68.) Cryed in Public:: yeah when my dad almost died
69.) Kissed Someone Besides Family:: Nope...haha ok i lied
70.) Been in a Car Crash:: no!! * KNOCK ON WOOD *

::_**_:: The Last ::_**_::

71.) Thing You Did Before Getting on the Computer:: talked to Bianca on the phone
72.) Person You Yelled at:: Katie, but i apologized
73.) Person You Hugged:: grant because i had some bad shit happen
74.) Person You IMed:: Bianca
75.) Time You Cleaned Your Room:: today, i clean it everyday im kinda a neat freak
76.) Song You were Listening to:: "Gunz Come Out" 50 cent

77.) TV Show You Watched:: the news
78.) Movie You Watched:: SAW OR FIGHT CLUB.. DONT REMEMBER
79.) Time You went to the Movies:: shit i dont rememeber
80.) Time You Cryed:: um idk

81.) You Took a Shower:: this morning

::_**_:: This OR That ::_**_::

82.) Coke OR Pepsi:: Cherry coke
83.) Tall OR Short:: girl wise-short but im tall
84.) Flowers OR Candy:: skittles
85.) Math OR English:: english
86.) Blink 182 OR Sugarcult:: Sugarcult?..blink182 are a bunch of pussys
87.) Mickey OR Minnie:: Rafiki from the lion king
88.) Middle School OR High School::Elementry...Nap time
89.) Boyfriend OR Girlfriend:: GirlFriend
90.) Single OR Taken:: single.

(( took this part out cuz it was some gay stupid stuff no one cares about ))

::_**_:: Random ::_**_::

106.) do u sleep with a stuff animal:: no, my cat lays with me tho
107.) do u like snowballs:: wtf?
108.) are u in school:: no im at my house
109.) do u like to swim:: Lifeguard for 2 years i sure hope so
110.) are u funny:: u bet ur ass i am
111.) wut do u think of water:: GATORADE...H2O HAHA WATERBOY
112.) are u a blonde at heart:: nope
113.) have u ever been to maryland:: no
114.) have u seen “chasing liberty”:: no
115.) are u happy this survey is over:: yeah
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