Pie! Originally uploaded by
CDaisyM. One of the highlights of the long weekend...apple pie! I had never made a pie before, so L and I decided to make a day of it on Monday. We tested out the crust recipe from The Weekend Baker by Abigail Johnson Dodge and filled it with the tried-and-true apples-cinnamon-nutmeg-sugar combo.
This was my end-product (hers was a glorious lattice-top). The best part? I actually liked it! (I'm not a big fan of pies).
Of course, I'd be completely remiss if I didn't mention the other highlight of my weekend -
fes42 and
stranger78's wedding. It was a fabulous event, complete with a funny officiant, a great choir (if I do say so myself) and wedding fudge (aka cake). And I was thrilled to get to spend some time with
The week since hasn't been all that extraordinary, though it has been quite busy. For some reason people go crazy when they can't get into the library for a day. Makes the rest of the week somewhat hectic!
Today is my day off and I'm spending it cleaning and catching up on stuff I haven't been able to do recently. And between the hours of 8am and 12pm I will get a delivery...of our new mattress! Woo hoo!