We in LJ-land seem to have a Thing going. Hello out there to the other Random Friday posters (especially
shellrunner and
fes42) *waves*
So it's Friday again. And (drumroll, please)...I'm posting! Before Saturday!
Today's "random" post is not at all.
Blogs I Read On a Regular Basis
(in no particular order)
Bookshelves of Doom: the book reviews and thoughts of Maine librarian, Leila Roy (plus snarky-fun t-shirts galore!)
Pop Candy: I'm so totally addicted to Whitney Matheson's pop culture tidbits. This is where I get most of my tv/movie/music/celebrity news.
The YALSA blog: Keeps me on my professional toes.
YPulse: more pop culture news/info, but with a focus on what teens are doing/listening to/watching/etc
Mimi Smartypants: just couldn't get enough of her after reading the book
Grey Matter: the writers of Grey's Anatomy talk about why they write what they write
Pop Goes the Library: Pop culture + Libraries (are you sensing a theme here?)
Chocablog: for my daily dose of chocolatey goodness
And, of course, all my LJ friends! (plus a few people over at MySpace, like Jennifer Wiener)