(no subject)

Nov 12, 2010 23:16

I wasn't going to post another entry until I was caught up on my word count, but I doubt that's gonna happen today (Week Two seems like a self-fulfilling curse or something) so I decided to post this now instead.

All day today I've felt as if it's Thursday, and I'm still not convinced it's really Friday. But people who normally work Fridays have wished me a happy weekend, so I guess it is Friday after all.

My knees have really acted up today, which has me slightly worried. Once when I stood up my bum right knee actually dislocated for a while and I had to put it back myself. Need I say "Ouch!"? My left knee also feels wonky, and if they both keep doing that I might have to get them checked out again.

The day at work was short and sweet, and included lingonberry glögg & gingerbread cookies! Then I had a long lunch with A and J before going to a nominating committe meeting for the regional LGBTQ association. After that I went grocery shopping, and I've spent the evening watching mind-numbing game shows. I know I ought to be writing, and I really like the main character in my novel, so why aren't I writing?! Meh.

There's only one way to get this thing written, and that's to show up at the page and just let go. Even if the 6K I should have finished within the next 50 minutes feel quite daunting at the moment. I'd do dares if I didn't take my novel seriously... Of course, NaNoWriMo isn't exactly a time when you should take your writing seriously, is it?

Also, StereoMood is made of awesome. Thanks, asgaja for telling me about it!

writing, work, nanowrimo, health stuff

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