Jun 04, 2008 00:13
I couldn't help myself; this had to be done! NB that some of these can be directed at several people, and that if I would tell you which comment, if any, is directed at you, it would sort of defy the whole purpose of an anonymous meme. But most of these are nice! *nodnod*
I'm sorry that we've drifted apart but I don't know how to fix it.
I'd like to know why you unfriended me.
If you were interested, I'd so be in a relationship with you.
I'm going to remove you from my flist because I can't take it anymore.
I can't help thinking that I see you more as a friend than you see me as a friend.
You write disabilityfic and hence is made of complete and utter win.
I love how we seem to bounce back to where we left off no matter how long it's been since we talked...and I can't wait to see you again.
I'm sorry that after having a crush on you for years, when we finally met I was all drooling over that guy.
I want to meet you so bad, because you always seem to know what to say.
You got me into popslash, and my life is sparklier for it.