May 15, 2008 23:53
Guess who is now contact person for trans people in the northernmost region in Sweden? Yup, yours truly, because I felt I needed to talk to others with similar experiences...and the rest of the board thought I'd do a great job myself. Ooops?
Work was quite good today; I had just enough to do and I was on top of things. The OT stopped by and she'll look into whether it's them or the owner of the building that is supposed to pay for a ramp.
Then after work I met up with Erika, her mom and one of her aunts and was treated to fika. It was really nice. :) Then I stayed at Erika's until I had to go to the RFSL board meeting (that took almost 3 hours!), and before i went home I went grocery shopping for some essentials (money's tight until the 19th). I signed up for this self-scanning thing, and it worked a lot better than I thought it would. :)
When I came home I realized that Dad hadn't been here today, so I'm gonna have to talk someone into doing my laundry this weekend. *shrugs* I'm just so happy it's Friday tomorrow, because I'm very, very tired. So I'm gonna go to bed shortly and watch Iron Man and some other good stuff. :)